The significance of research into the Roma ethnic identity. Proposals for theories, methods, and research organization based on the own scientific experiences
- Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 85-94
- DOI Address:
- PDF: em/14/em1403.pdf
The article is aimed at drawing attention to the research motifs explored by the author in his studies and, first of all, at raising questions about the sense of research into the Romani identity. An attempt is made here both to suggest some theories and methods which can be useful in identity studies and to signal the difficulties in carrying such research out. The major subject matter of the suggested research projects should address the problems of the Romani identity and culture, this ethnic group’s participation in education, and their specific social and professional activity. What seems to be justified (after a reliable diagnosis of the needs, problems, prospects and possible solutions) is the unceasing need for designing programmes, projects and local policies which address the Roma and which come into being with their participation. However, the activities conducted so far should be subjected to an in-depth analysis and evaluation, also in regard to the specificity of Roma communities from various groups and countries. This might help to indicate the elements of their identity, as well as the level of joint participation in the context of the still incomplete integration with culturally dominating majorities.
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methods ethnicity theory interculturalism Roma Education integration identity