Effects of bibliotherapy on well-being and human development: its application in education

  • Author: Miguel Varela
  • Institution: University of Coimbra
  • Author: José António Vieira Pereira
  • Institution: University of Madeira
  • Author: Noemí Serrano Díaz
  • Institution: University of Cádiz
  • Author: Regina Capelo
  • Institution: University of Madeira
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 107-119
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/IFforE2018.09
  • PDF: iffe/11/iffe1109.pdf

Bibliotherapy has been applied by several aid professionals, in different scenarios, and at all life cycles. This research seeks to discover the effects of bibliotherapy on human well-being and development. A bibliographical and systematic review on b-On was based on descriptor bibliotherapy. Evidence of the benefits of bibliotherapy on human well-being and development was found. The research highlights that this practice enhances cognitive and affective functions, is effective in children with emotional disorders, learners with learning problems, patients with psychiatric disorders, improving reading competence and social reintegration of prisoners, mourning, pacification of emotions, relaxation, socialisation and hospital humanisation. We conclude that bibliotherapy is beneficial to human well-being and development, and as such, its use should be promoted in human life specifically within education.


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bibliotherapy effects of bibliotherapy

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