Analysis of modern teachers’ educational needs in the context of their professional and personal development

  • Author: Larysa Lukianova
  • Institution: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 151-165
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: iffe/12/iffe1210.pdf

The author of the article expresses the opinion that teachers’ professional activity, their professional and personal development is an important multidimensional and multi-faceted problem that requires an in-depth analysis. One of effective ways of solving the problem would be to study the needs of teachertraining, since the gap between professional education received in higher educational institutions and the upgrade of qualifications which takes place every five years, as well as lack of motivation for professional development, fail to contribute to the overcoming of many negative phenomena (pedagogical crises, pedagogical burnout, professional stagnation). The article describes the categories of development (personal and professional) and educational needs (of modern teachers) and investigates the peculiarities of forming teachers’ educational needs. Research results among different age groups are presented. The purpose of this study was to find out the level of the demand for educational needs, to assess the quality of educational services which are provided, to identify the driving motives, as well as to determine the prospects for improving the effectiveness of educational activities within this category.


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teacher educational needs professional development development

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