Zaangażowanie Polaków mieszkających za granicą w działalność organizacji polonijnych

  • Author: Michał Nowosielski
  • Institution: Instytut Zachodni w Poznaniu
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 146-168
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/101/kie10109.pdf

Participation of Polish People Living Abroad in the Activities of Polish Minority Organisations

Within a wealth of literature on the subject of the social and political participation of immigrants little has been said about the issue of the mount of immigrants’ engagement in immigrant organizations and its conditions. This paper, based on analysis of CAWI survey of 3500 Polish immigrants describes participations of Poles abroad in Polish immigrant organizations. It also defines three sets of factors determining the amount of engagement. The analysis of empirical data shows that the engagement of Poles abroad in activities of Polish immigrant organizations is limited. Hypotheses concerning factors determining participation in Polish immigrant organizations has been positively verified. Both previous experience of social participation in Poland as well as contemporary experience in country of residence positively influence engagement in Polish immigrant organizations. Also the relation between the country of residence, length of stay, as well as the year of with the level of activity in Polish immigrant organizations emigration has been observed. The participation in those organizations tends also to be influenced by such characteristics of a migrant like: age, size of the locality in which a migrant lives after migration, and type of professional activity. Only two of the assumed variables: size of the origin locality and material situation have not been related to participations of Poles abroad in Polish immigrant organizations.


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Polish community abroad immigrant organizations social participation of immigrants migration

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