- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-8
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: kie/131/kie131toc.pdf
In the pedagogical analysis of the undertaken issues, some theoretical and methodological conceptualizations have been applied that refer to: Ward H. Goodenough’s axiological concept of culture as a set of values, Paweł Boski’s theory of the cultural identity based on values and practices in bior multicultural socialization, Tadeusz Lewowicki’s theory of identity behaviours, constructivist perspective and Harold J. Noah’s model of the comparison of academic education. The assumption was also made that the research into the feeling of association with selected social groups manifested by students from the PolishCzech borderland enables one to learn the way(s) in which students understand themselves, the others and the world – the way(s) anchored in their own experience and culture. The differences in the declared by students the feeling of association with selected social groups point to a visible tendency to the young generation’s identification with different communities – of their homeland, local, regional, or more broadly, European or supraEuropean ones. The construction of their own identity by university students means drifting apart from its homogenous dimension and getting closer to discovering the conscious choice of an enriched, multidimensional identity, which is most often determined by processes of the democratization of social life, which take place at various paces and in different scopes. Contrary to their Polish peers, the identity profile of Czech students has mostly a national dimension and is characterized by a clear preference for their own ethnic (national) group in regard to identity, language and social contacts.
tożsamość kulturowa społeczne „zakotwiczanie” poczucie spójności odrębności i ciągłości pogranicze polsko-czeskie polska i czeska młodzież akademicka studium porównawcze Cultural Identity social “anchoring” feeling of integrity separateness and continuity Polish-Czech borderland Polish and Czech academic youth comparative study
The goal of the text is to put forth a number of terms that will facilitate the analysis of the ways in which new German-Polish borderlands are presented that focus on the issues of the Other. Alongside the exploratory perspective, the article identifies (and terms) the following ways: eliminative-one-sided (on the example of Polish poems from the late 1940s); revelatory-documenting (exemplified by an artistic film documentary made in the 21st); expository-archiving (based on three anthologies of borderland narratives prior to 1945). The essence of the article also includes an expansion of the definition of the term “multiple land”. This meta-term is of polycentric nature. Its use determines a multi-perspective view of various borderland territories. It may be used in didactics as a means of facilitating the understanding and description of phenomena and processes characteristic of borderlands. The term multiple land enables a retreat from myth-based vocabulary, such as the Polish “regained territories” or German “Lost Heimat”. The article also emphasizes the need for a particular metalinguistic sensitivity in academic and educational descriptions of borderlands.
pogranicza niemiecko-polskie ojczyzna wielokrotna ziemia wielokrotna literatura pogranicza literatura miejsca German-Polish borderlands multiple homeland multiple land literature of the borderlands literature of the place
The aim of the text is to present the educational potential of selected books by Iwona Chmielewska - a Polish artist, illustrator, graphic artist. The attention was paid to the content of selected works by the author, which can be treated as tools conducive to work on the development of readers’ imagination and empathy. By analyzing the entire architecture of selected picture books by Chmielewska, they can be seen as an unlimited field that can be used to design „educational opportunities”. The text is an idea of going out to children with an art book, an encouragement to look for others with a similar wealth of metaphors and symbols, so that this type of literature becomes the subject of various forms of school and extracurricular education. The text is structured as follows: explain the meaning of the term picture book; emphasizing the importance of picturebooks in contemporary culture; an attempt to define the characteristic style of Iwona Chmielewska’s books; consider the importance of empathy and imagination for the cultural sensitization of the reader; presenting proposals for educational activities inspired by the books by Iwona Chmielewska. The content analysis method used in the methodology of qualitative research was used.
imagination empathy child Education dialogue reading Iwona Chmielewska picturebook wyobraźnia empatia dziecko edukacja czytanie dialogowe książka obrazkowa
The aim of the research was to establish the relationship between Polish and Ukrainian students’ social distance towards „others” and their place of residence. Social distance is defined according to the conception of E. Bogardus, as the level of liking and closeness of relations, or aversion and avoiding contacts with certain people or social groups. „Other” is understood as a person of different nationality. The author employs diagnostic poll as the method and the social distance scale as the tool of research. 480 students from Poland and 491 from Ukraine were included in the study. The analyses proved the existence of directly proportional relationship between the investigated factors. The subjects coming from large cities show more positive attitude towards „others” than the ones who live in towns and villages. Large cities are becoming more and more culturally diversified in terms of material, spiritual and symbolic spheres. The strangers who arrive at big agglomerations bring different cultural patterns, axiological and normative systems as well as languages.. They come in order to seek employment or as tourists. The situation leads to more intense contacts and multidimensional interactions, which, in turn, result in getting to know each other, increased understanding of individuality, tolerance and acceptance of values. The phenomenon in not usually found in towns and villages.
dystans społeczny obcy miejsce zamieszkania studenci Polscy studenci ukraińscy social distance place of residence Polish students Ukrainian Students
The article is of a contributory nature and is an introduction to the topic of cabaret pedagogy. Cabaret, as an important area of contemporary popular culture and a separate genre of art, performs specific social, aesthetic and educational functions. It is a carrier of criticism, a form of exposing reality and building a community based on laughter. By using its usual means, such as irony, grotesque or satire, cabaret performs its overriding function, which is to transgress taboos and to question the obvious. The cabaret, embedded in popular culture, is characterized by the so-called semantic incompleteness, that is, it generates fragmentary and random meanings that initiate thought processes. The starting point for the considerations undertaken in the text is the pedagogical theory of cabaret developed in the 1970s by the German researcher Jürgen Henningsen, which was an impulse to think about cabaret in terms of public pedagogy, specifically the so-called perverse pedagogy - in opposition to mainstream pedagogy. The study highlights and briefly discusses three basic traces of cabaret pedagogy - ironic and grotesque, carnival and clown pedagogy.
grotesque clown carnivalesque public pedagogy cabaret irony groteska ironia błazen pedagogia publiczna kabaret karnawalizacja
The article presents the history and current activities of Cinecittà in Rome, one of the most important film companies in the world, also known as „Hollywood on the Tiber”. The author draws attention to the fact that the research up to date has focused mainly on Italian cinema, while Cinecittà appears as a supplement to the critical analysis of that cinematography. Starting from the history of the production company, what dates back to 30’s of the XX century, the author shows how the Roman film town has changed over the years and what its legal situation is like. The next chapter describes the current activities of Cinecittà, where runs a professional film and television studio, which produces films, series, commercials, music videos, commercial events; a museum (Cinecittà si mostra) and an important and internatrional cultural institution (Istituto Luce) with educational and promotional range. The considerations are complemented with examples of films produced in the company. Summing up, the author suggests that Cinecittà deserves a separate and insightful elaboration, which does not still exist in Polish language.
film town film studio Italian cinema Cinecittà Rome miasteczko filmowe studio filmowe kino włoskie Rzym
The cycle of fourteen carols and pastorals by Stanisław Hadyna is one of the author’s lesser known works. It was created as a result of cooperation between the composer and two great artists - Kazimierz Szemioth and Władysław Ochman. Analysis of the pieces has been conducted with use of specialized literature on musicology, folklore and literary studies supported by practice as a singer and choir director. The goal was to study author’s possible inspirations, to underline the relationship between music and lyrics, to present selected vocal difficulties and to look at the cycle as a whole. Research has been performed with the use of the monographic method. Practical activities consisted of analyzing the score, source text, publications and recordings. Following sources were used: Narodziła nam się dobroć [Goodness was born] by Stanisław Hadyna (lyrics - Kazi mierz Szemioth, Officina Silesia, 2009) and recordings of Wiesław Ochman and Capella Arcis Varsoviensis (dir. Marek Sewen, 1985). As a result, it has been proven that analyzed pieces have their origin in traditional Polish songs. Conclusions from the analysis demonstrate importance of lyrics which form a part equally important to music. In summary, awareness of means of expression used by composer is key to performance of the work.
kolędy pastorałki Narodziła nam się dobroć Hadyna Szemioth carols pastorals Goodness was born
The subject-matter of my consideration covers chosen films about social inequalities and the resulting unrest in various parts of the world at the turn of the second and third decade of the 21st century. Film characters deprived of education, work, medical care and a dignified place to live have no hope of improving their existence. Growing frustration leads to aggression, breaking the law, brutal violence as well as riots and street fights. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the issues raised in film discourses and to try to find answers to questions about the causes and factors that cause social unrest. The category of human dignity was used to analysis the studied issues.
social inequality social unrest human dignity film nierówności społeczne niepokoje społeczne godność ludzka
The text presents a weighty problem of the authority in pre-school education, which as an element of educational practice plays a decisive role in the process of generating cultural awareness of the child. The direct subject of the analysis are fragments of teacher-student dialogues that focus on the problem of authority; its practical exemplification is St. Francis (also the patron of the kindergarten in which the research was carried out). The teacher is participation in the process of transmitting knowledge about authority and in creating an emotional relationship between authority and student is particularly interesting. The problem of authority, which was essential for the article, turned out to be important for recognizing the importance of the so-called pedagogy of authority within which the child’s identity is at stake. In this sense, the article is a contribution to the discussion on the construction of the child’s subjectivity in the institutional context.
child-student authority pre-school education subjectivity teacher dziecko-uczeń wczesna edukacja podmiotowość autorytet nauczyciel
In the article, I focus on the elements of school’s culture, which is present in the narrative of the child’s student, embedding my reflections in the psychocultural approach to education (J.S. Bruner) and the Goffman’s model of total institutions. The collision of the child’s world, created by the culture of the family environment with the culture of the school, brings with it many tensions and imperatives for the constant reconstruction of meanings so far (un) present in his biographical experience. The analysis and interpretation of the child’s narrative interview in a constructivist approach has allowed to gather knowledge about patterns of behavior, prohibitions, precepts, expectations and values that the school culture overtly or covertly imposes on the child, socializing him/her into the role of a student. The cultural aspects taken up in the child’s narrative show what elements of the school’s cultural world represent opportunities and threats for the development of his or her identity and personality towards a sense of causality and values.
identity upbringing socialization student child total school culture school culture tożsamość wychowanie socjalizacja uczeń dziecko totalna kultura szkoły kultura szkoły
The article explores the relationship between the attitudes of the respondents towards transplantation and their sense of coherence. The presented results were obtained through the statistical analysis of data collected in a group of 467 students. The study used a self-designed questionnaire and scale to study attitudes of academic youth towards transplantation alongside Antonovsky’s Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-29). The results obtained prove that there is no correlation that would justify the conclusion that the sense of coherence of the respondents has a statistically significant connection with their attitude towards transplantation. However, the sense of coherence positively correlates with one of the components of the attitude towards transplantation. This concerns the level of Knowledge, which means that people with a high sense of coherence are significantly more likely to have a higher level of Knowledge related to transplantation. The data confirmed the existence of a correlation between the level of knowledge of the respondents related to the issue of transplantation and all the components constituting a sense of coherence, i.e. a manageability, meaningfulness and comprehensibility. Conclusions formulated on the basis of the obtained results point to the necessity of taking up a contemporary pedagogical challenge, which is health education aimed at shaping social attitudes towards transplantation. An additional recommendation is to enrich educational programs with activities the goal of which is to create a high sense of coherence in their recipients, which, by definition, should have pro-health consequences for a wide group of beneficiaries.
academic youth coherence attitude transplantation health education młodzież akademicka koherencja postawa transplantacje edukacja zdrowotna
In this article, I present the topic of work on the feelings undertaken by doctors and medical staff towards a child with a rare disease and its immediate family. I refer to the sociological concept of the trajectory of the disease. I used the method of the narrative interview in terms of Frütz Schitze. In the last part of the article, I present the results of research carried out with the mother of the sick person. The respondent presents cooperation with specialists in a negative light. Both doctors and nurses do not undertake interactional work of the patient and his relatives, nor do they trustt work in them and biographical work. Such work is of great importance in the treatment of the child and in the process of supporting his relatives. Actions taken by specialists affect the life of the patient and his family not only in terms of physical health. They are also about the well-being of the family, its emotional resources. The result of evident mistakes in these actions is the fact that the mother of the sick child does not work through a difficult biographical experience.
biography work on the feelings the trajectory work family child rare disease biografia praca nad odczuciami praca nad trajektorią rodzina dziecko rzadka choroba
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the whole world by surprise and has affected all sections of society. One of them are entrepreneurs whose crisis affects themselves, the people they employ, and the economy in general. The article presents how entrepreneurs use their resources in the form of social contacts, coping with the difficulties of the crisis. It also presents the role of business organizations and the relationships they create in the face of a pandemic. How drawing support from relationships that were established against the backdrop of community activity has proved to be of great importance in the face of the pandemic. The publication discusses such issues as: the features of the crisis, the role of the organization in supporting entrepreneurs, the influence of relations on coping with the crisis, and manifestations of trust in a group. The results of the research collected qualitatively in the form of the participants’ written statements show how, in times of a pandemic, they show the sense of support obtained from people in a similar situation. They present what makes entrepreneurs, despite the difficulties related to the crisis, not only able to protect themselves against collapse, but also to develop their companies?
trust social capital business organizations crisis situations organizacje biznesowe sytuacje kryzysowe kapitał społeczny zaufanie relacje
A contemporary human being expands and uses their individual abilities to update, deepen and enrich the potential of knowledge, skills and competences in order to adapt to the changing social living space. The tasks imposed by the contemporary society necessitate creation and fulfillment of an individual who learns to live and is able to develop in the individual and collective dimension by professionalisation and use of their own competence potential. The contemporary civilisational tasks are not based on preparing individuals for the existing society but on providing stimuli enabling every human being, by using their competence potential, to understand the surrounding world, to create it, to be its actual participant and recipient, and to feel responsible for it now and in the future.
człowiek społeczeństwo kompetencje profesjonalizacja rozwój jednostki human society competences professionalization individual development
Drawing inspiration from the research of C. Timoszyk-Tomczak (2003), who, analyzing the strategies and styles of constructing the future (realistic, authority, coercion, wishful thinking, expectations and carpe diem), drew attention to their diversity, which is a consequence of, among others, the context for whom the „constructor” lives, the multitude of his experiences and the range of possibilities to choose from, it was decided to examine the declarations of primary school youth on the planning strategies they choose. Students were asked to choose 2 descriptions that best explicate their current situation, assuming that young people can use several strategies simultaneously, creating their hybrids to various contexts of youthful functioning and areas under consideration. Students opting for any of the options provided information about their preferred style of action in terms of designing the future and making significant life decisions, also taking into account their temporative aspect. Which of the strategies for constructing the future they lean towards in their career endeavors - may be a determinant of their sense of professional satisfaction and a sense of achieving professional success versus its lack.
secondary school primary school educational and career choices strategies for constructing plans career counseling youth szkoła ponadpodstawowa szkoła podstawowa poradnictwo zawodowe wybory edukacyjno-zawodowe strategie konstruowania planów młodzież
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