Demographic Differences and Professional Stress of College Employees: A Case Study in Serbia
- Institution: College of Textile Design, Technology and Management in Belgrade
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 153-184
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/98/kie9808.pdf
This study explores the perception of professional stress and stress coping strategies in a sample of 80 employees at the college. The data was collected by using an inventory of perceived sources of stress and work stress indicator (coping scale). In addition to developing the concept of professional stress, the study had two objectives: to measure the level of professional stress in different categories of staff at the college and to study and analyze stress in Serbia in relation to individual differences (gender, age, marital status, parenthood, number of children, education, class, and working hours). The highest level of stress experienced was by respondents with three or more children, over 50 years old, have a college degree, and professors. Employees younger than 30 years of age, members of the student parliament, employees with a university degree, and the parents of one child experienced the lowest level of stress. As for the relationship between individual differences and stress levels, the results show that there is a relationship between age, marital status, parenting, and the education of the children and how they are experiencing stress. By contrast, gender, class, and working hours are not associated with it. The research integrates a broader set of variables that are prerequisites to a better understanding of demographic and employment factors that lead to professional stress. This should help better understand the proportion of variance of employee satisfaction, performance, and help better cope with it.
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individual differences college employees sources of stress and the effects professional professional stress Serbia