Rola kapitału kulturowego w uzyskiwaniu pozycji na rynku pracy. Przyczynek empiryczny
- Institution: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 116-140
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/96/kie9606.pdf
The Role of Cultural Capital in Labour Market Positioning. An Empirical Study
The aim of this paper is to analyse selected conditions of professional achievements of young polish employees with higher education degrees. The number of graduates has raised significantly in the last twenty years and they are employed not only as the professionals, but also on the positions, which do not demand academic qualifications. The author makes the hypothesis that the amount of cultural capital (in Pierre Bourdieu comprehension) has influence on the position on the labour market. On the basis of the qualitative research, there are the premises to acknowledge the influence of cultural capital on professional achievements. The conclusion from the analysis of polish graduates’ biographies is that occupational position of the employees equipped equally in cultural capital in the institutionalized state (diploma) may depend on the competences acquired during socialization process, which refers to the cultural capital in the embodied state. The paper presents a typology of young employed graduates in terms of their work expectations. The typology reveals how the primary socialization and acquired cultural capital influence the young employees’ attitude to their work and career – if they are preservative and focused on safety guarantees, or creative, looking for their professional development and self-fulfillment.
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