Kierunki współczesnej debaty nad kształceniem obywatelskim w Niemczech w kontekście rozważań nad wzorcami obywatela, dojrzałością i kompetencjami
- Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 56-81
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/95/kie9503.pdf
The Directions of Contemporary Debate about Civic Education in Germany in the Context of Deliberations over Model Citizens, Maturity, and Competences
In German concepts of education until the end of World War II was the trend dominant to interpret the notion of „good citizen” through the prism of state and its political characteristics. In the late sixties of the twentieth century one began to challenge this understanding. But it was the political transformation in Central and Eastern Europe, and above all the integration processes in Germany and Europe in the early nineties, which led to a redefinition of the concept of „citizen” and modified the idea of his patterns. That’s when the idea was ultimately rejected the „good citizen” as a guarantor of stability of the political agenda, and the goal of civic education was superior to „civic maturity”. In connection with the change of paradigm, a „citizen” was discovered again (Rückkehr des Bürgers) in the public debate. Defining the essence of the concept of „good citizen”, the German authors began to identify them as „democratic” and started a new discussion complemented the existing conceptualization of the citizen to demand his maturity as the overarching objective of civic education and the need to strengthen its competencies. The aim of the article is to present the key directions of the German debate on civic education in the context of civil practice, as well as the positions of the features characterizing the normative notion of the citizen, which should be its „maturity”. Particularly important for strengthening the cognitive aspect is to enter the foregoing, in the current discourse related to competence as a result of the learning process, but it will be important to draw attention to democratic competence.
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civic competencies citizen’s maturity patterns of citizens contemporary concepts in Germany Civic Education