Rola płci kulturowej w badaniach muzykologicznych – zarys pola badawczego muzykologii feministycznej
- Institution: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 22-41
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/94/kie9402.pdf
The Role of Cultural Gender in Musicological Research – Outline of the Research Field of Feminist Musicology
This article’s aim is to follow new directions in musicology research, that aspire to be interdisciplinary in character and to focus on cultural, analitical and critical approach to music. Almost entirely unknown to Polish readers, this research, defined as “new” musicology, refers to ethnomusicology and sociology of music’s outputs, and tries to apply some of the methods used in those disciplines to analyze classical Western music. Feminist musicology, on which I focus the most, is a still evolving, very popular in the US and at the same time very wide field of study. It’s analyses, although they are sometimes ideological, are one of the most interesting examples of widening the frames of traditional musicology, that are worth knowing. Not assuming to exhaust the topic, I find it crucial to outline the fields of research for this discipline.
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ethnomusicology sociology of music feminist musicology musicology feminism cultural studies gender culture