Pomiędzy lewicą a prawicą lub czy bać się prawdy i wychwalać postmodernizm?
- Institution: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 127-144
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2013.01.08
- PDF: kie/94/kie9408.pdf
Between the Left and the Right, or Should We Be Afraid of the Truth and Praise Postmodernism?
Should we be afraid of the truth? This question is important not only for the world of philosophy, but also politics. Reluctance to fixed and immutable foundation used to characterize the left . This right has traditionally appealed to what is permanent, unchanging, universal, in what social order should be rooted. And for that it is criticized. It has been suggested that we should reject the right-wing chains, reject universalism, to become free and head toward postmodernism. Postmodernism today seems to give hope for further development, including policy based on new narratives – particularly left-wing. Postmodernism, as it is seen by Grzegorz Lewicki, seems to be close to the critical theory that can help us in the liberation and emancipation. Closer analysis, however, allows us to see that also in critical theory there is a desire to discover the truth about what is reality. It also allows to see that the category of truth is not as bad as it is painted. It is not necessary to get rid of the reference to the category of truth, because truth is not the problem in itself. We can still keep it without sacrificing what was the best in postmodernism. If we are successful, then there might be the chance to reconcile the left with the right.
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critical theory right left universality postmodernism freedom truth