Rewolucja seksualna jako droga do ponowoczesności – analiza twórczości Wilhelma Reicha w świetle współczesnej dekonstrukcji kultury patriarchalnej

  • Author: Markus Lipowicz
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 145-168
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/94/kie9409.pdf

Sexual Revolution as a Road to Postmodernism – Analysis of the Works by Wilhelm Reich in the Light of the Contemporary Deconstruction of Patriarchal Culture

The aim of the present article is a presentation of Wilhelm Reich’s works as one of the most important intellectual foundations of postmodernity. Particularly the propagated by Reich sexual revolution constitutes the kernel of contemporary cultural changes in the West. An important point of reference for Reich were the revelations of Bronisław Malinowski on the sexual life of savages. These convinced Reich that there is no necessary conflict between the satisfaction of sensual desires and cultural life, as Sigmund Freud proclaimed. In order to overcome the dualism between nature and culture in the western culture Reich deconstructed the ecclesiastic image of Jesus Christ. Instead of a savior Reich suggested that one should see in Jesus a man who proclaimed reconciliation between the forces of nature and the social life. In this way Reich tried to convince that in place of ascetic moral values the ones that promote sexual liberty and individual satisfaction should be placed. I will try to demonstrate that the ideas of Reich constitute a fundamental intellectual source of the contemporary western culture.


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Christian morality sensual desires sexual urge patriarchal culture western culture postmodernity Sexual revolution

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