Distance Education: An Analysis of Learning Theories in an E-learning Environment

  • Author: Krystian Tuczyński
  • Institution: University of Rzeszów, Polska
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8220-2199
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 67-79
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2023.04.04
  • PDF: kie/142/kie14204.pdf

The article concerns theoretical considerations on psychological concepts of learning in the context of e-learning. The author begins the theoretical analysis by reviewing the literature, including behavioural, cognitive and humanistic theories. Based on a detailed analysis, cognitivism is indicated as a theory that has particular application in e-learning, especially due to the continuity of the teaching process and adapting the content to the student’s level. An example of a cognitive model is D. Kolb’s model, which can be effectively used in e-learning because it includes closed cognitiveexperimental processes. The basic argument for adopting cognitive theories as dominant in e-learning is their ability to maintain the continuity of the educational process, which can be effectively implemented via e-learning platforms. A key element connecting cognitive theories with e-learning is the Multiple Coding Theory, which suggests that the transfer of knowledge becomes more effective when it takes place through different channels, enabling reception through several senses.


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learning theories cognitivism e-learning distance learning

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