The Methods of Negative Emotions Managing Based on the Teachers’ Control Group Research

  • Author: Beata Pawłowska
  • Institution: University of Łódź
  • Author: Piotr Chomczyński
  • Institution: University of Łódź
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 212-234
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/92/kie9211.pdf

In our article we will try to answer the following questions: how do the teachers in the pedagogical centres and the primary schools cope with the negative emotions? What kind of techniques and strategies do the teachers use to manage their emotions in difficult situations? The theoretical background constitutes Arlie Hochschild’s theory and conception of Theodore D. Kemper. We consider whether teachers’ demonstration of emotions during their work (teaching process) is a method to achieve a fixed goal or rather a random behavior and whether an emotional expression is some instrumental operation or an accidental one? Can emotional work be considered by teachers? Do people who embody in the teacher’s role simultaneously accept the rules of behavior, including emotional behavior? Finally, whether the emotions revealed in the teachers’ work are the result of possessed power and status? As the result of conducted research, teachers employed in educational institutions revealed negative emotions more rarely towards educational reforms than the teachers working in the public schools. The basis of this regularity stems from the fact that employed staff fulfill firstly the pedagogical and later educational function in the Reformatory and Youth Detention Centres. In public institutions such as primary schools the situation is opposite. Generally, we conclude that the longer the occupational experience of the teacher, the better strategy to deal with negative emotions. Young teachers used to rely on their older colleagues experience and reflections or use a trial-and-error-method to cope with the negative emotions at work.


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reformatories emotional work emotions management negative emotions schools teachers

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