Radio – wstrząśnięte, nie zmieszane? Komiks radiowy w obliczu koncepcji „Media Martini”

  • Author: Karolina Albińska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 194-209
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11912.pdf

Radio programmes that prevail in the contemporaty „mediasphere” are prone to hybridization. They easily cross artificial generic divisions and get the status of multidimensional entities that activate many senses of media users. It is possible because they loose the distinctive features of audio broadcasts. As a result, they can take various forms, travel across media platforms and be consumed any time, any place. These criteria are fulfilled by „radio comic” – a specific „generic coctail” that reconciliates contradictions according to the rules imposed by audiovisual type of culture. However, it brings new quality to the media landscape, since it gives both radio dramas and „stories with balloones” more universal life. Referring to the productions such as „Nietoty”, „Jan Kalata” and „The Intergalactic Nemesis”, this article discusses the issue of transmediality of modern radio broadcasts. It presents many faces of „radio-comic” that stems from a strong tendency for radio visualization.


transmediality of broadcasts radio visualization radiocomic radio drama gereric hybridization

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