Singapur – azjatycki model wielokulturowości

  • Author: Wiktor Rabczuk
  • Institution: PEDAGOGIUM Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11–27
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12101.pdf

The author aims at answering the question: “What activities do the authorities undertake to manage the multiculturalism of the city-state which is situated at the intersection of three cultural spheres (the Chinese, Indian and Islamic) and which constitutes a unique mosaic of religions, denominations, beliefs, ideologies, ethnic and language groups? To what extent do the undertakings of state authorities affect social behaviour of citizens and their mentality?”. Using the document analysis (especially of legal acts), the author discusses: demographical issues, with special regard to the policy of positive discrimination towards autochthonous population of Singapore – Malayans; religious pluralism and secularity of the state which promotes religious harmony; some examples of reactions of the society and officials to the attitudes and statements posing threat to religious harmony; the linguistic policy called multilingualism (with special focus on the role of Singlish – the language which is becoming an attribute of the Singapore identity); the values which school implants in learners so that they could live together and build inclusive society. The author concludes that – in the conditions of Singapore – multiculturalism is becoming a socially functional phenomenon, which enhances the construction of inclusive society and its successful economic, social and cultural development. In the face of the European crisis of multiculturalism, the author encourages researchers to pay more attention to the positive experiences of the countries which do not belong to the European cultural circles.


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funkcjonalność multilingwizm harmonia religijna laickość model Singapur wielokulturowość Singapore multiculturalism laicism religious harmony multilingualism functionality

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