Psychologia muzyki i muzykoterapia – przedmiot, klasyfikacja, relacja

  • Author: Ludwika Konieczna-Nowak
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 63-78
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/115/kie11504.pdf

The text is focused on two relatively young yet rapidly developing disciplines: psychology of music and music therapy. The goal of the article was to outline the territories of both disciplines and consider relationships between them. The text includes characteristics, presented through clarification of the subjects of both areas, attempt to place them in the general classification of sciences and considerations regarding the methodology. It also indicates important aspect of artistic component, present especially in practical music therapy, and reaching beyond scientific inquiry. The author notices difficulties of integrating activities utilizing arts with systematic, research-oriented perspective. She shows relationships between disciplines, paying attention to the significant differences, but also complementary values. She concludes that despite of being separate, psychology of music and music therapy have common grounds.


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music therapy psychology of music interdisciplinary relationships

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