Strategie rozwoju produktu w sferze kultury na przykładzie Polskiego Związku Kulturalno-Oświatowego w Republice Czeskiej
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 107-118
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/115/kie11507.pdf
Looking at the marketing strategies applied by institutions selling culture and education, the main problem is not to forget the nature of the selling product. We are obliged to protect the shape and essence of what we sell much more than selling any other kind of product even if the product is totally uncommercial. That’s why numerous, cultural and educational institutions often aren’t able to find their own place on the still changing market. Some of them offer products intended only for a small group of customers, others support new directions and new forms of products that haven’t got their own type of clients definite yet. So there’s appearing new need to reconciltae what’s irreconcilable, extremly different opinions and need of working out the balance between spectators preferences and organizations ambitions. It looks like the developing product strategies of Polish Cultural and Educational Union in the Czech Republic presented in the paper prove that the balance is possible to reach.
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culture marketing strategic marketing PZKO product strategy product development