Military Education in the Russian Federation

  • Author: Natalia Olszanecka
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 140-149
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/114/kie11410.pdf

In 2008, before the conflict with Georgia began, no one was able to predict the readiness or effectiveness of the Russian Army. A few years later during the military campaign in Syria, the Russian Armed Forces confirmed their standing as one of the best armies of the world, demonstrating a high level of technical potential and combat training. Between 2008 and 2012 Russia’s military education became one of the best and most prestigious forms of education in Russia. The main purpose of this article is to show the changes that have occurred in the Russian military education since the beginning of military reform (in 2008) to 2012. The main research problem is to answer the question: how have the changes in military education and in the training system strengthened Russia’s military potential?


military education Russian Federation subjects military power training system

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