Problem z prze-pisaniem Teoretyczne podstawy refleksji postkolonialnej

  • Author: Bartłomiej Krzysztan
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 101-114
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/111/kie11106.pdf

The collapse of Eastern Bloc equivalent with disappearance of the Second World left great political and geographical sphere in the ‘vacuum of ideas’. A priori the Postcommunist space has been included into transition and transformation studies discourses. In principle following the scientific fashion whole former space of Eastern Bloc has been classified as the developing consolidating democracies with neoliberal model of economy. Futuristic presumptions from the beginning of 90s after 25 years required additional critical perspective and revision. Social facts analysis is emphasizing the mistaken and limited contexts of transitology and in parallel leads to reflection why postcolonial potential of the sphere is by postcolonial theory omitting. Paper is delivering the analyze of the significant obstacles for postcolonial rewriting of the history of postcommunist space amid others the role of Marxism, importance of experience, reductionist character of transition studies and wrong interpretation of the basic assumptions of postcolonialism. Article is aiming to describe those crucial barriers which led to the ignoring of the achievements of postcolonial critique in the analysis of cultural, social and political conditions of former Second World.


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postcommunism transtion studies theory rewriting marxism postcolonial critique and theory

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