Związek zaangażowania w studiowanie i wypalenia studiami z osiągnięciami akademickimi

  • Author: Konrad Kulikowski
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 180-196
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/111/kie11110.pdf

This study addresses the question how students’ engagement and burnout are related to academic achievement the grade point average and the number of passed exams. The study involved 205 students. Multiple regression analysis indicated that burnout is direct significant predictor of grade point average, but the engagement is not. Relation between students’ engagement and the grade point average was mediated by level of burnout. Further analysis revealed that students who have passed all the exams in the first term were characterized by lower level of burnout than students who have not passed all the exams in the first term. However, students from both groups did not differ, in the level of study engagement. The results indicate that high academic achievement is related to the lack of a burnout rather than the presence of engagement. Results also show that the grade point average and the number of passed exams are poor indicators of the level of students’ engagement.


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engagement burnout academic achievement grade point average

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