Indeks schematów rówieśników szkolnych uczniów z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (IE-PP-R) eksperymentalna wersja kwestionariusza

  • Author: Paweł Kurtek
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 217-229
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/111/kie11112.pdf

The goal of the paper is presentation the index­measure concerning the classmates­schemes of adolescents’ with mild intellectual disabilities (mid). Psychosocial paradigm in rehabilitation inclines to get acquainted with subjective perspective which encourages to compiling instruments matched to cognitive abilities and social experience of the population. The theoretical approach of the tool is: the Theory of Social Schemes by B. Wojciszke (1986). The essence of these schemes is to see others as acting intentionally. As a key of partnerships (with classmates) there were distinguished two dimensions: help bullying and inclusion isolation which are very common presented in objective research perspective on mid. Due to the limited cognitive abilities of this population the research tool are based on Likert­type scale reduced to 4 options of choice. Moreover the items are formulated in easy­language based on real episodes. The psychometric procedure included such steps as: preparing a set of items focusing on these experiences, estimation of the content adequacy (by 6 Competent Judges). Then a group of 103 students (55 female and 48 male) with Special


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social experience social scheme factor analysis

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