Zasoby w pracy a zadowolenie z pracy nauczycieli Pośrednicząca rola zaangażowania

  • Author: Łukasz Baka
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 230-244
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/111/kie11113.pdf

In according with Job Demands-Resources model high job resources create appropriate job attitudes directly and indirectly through increase of work engagement. The direct and indirect effects of job resources were tested in relation to organizational commitment and citizenship behavior mainly. The study was aimed at investigation the links between job resources and job related subjective well­being, measured by job satisfaction and positive affect at work, and also mediating role of the work engagement relating to the above mentioned link. Participants were 316 teachers. As predicted by the Job Demands­Resources model, the research results show direct and indirect (via work engagement) effects of job resources on job­related well­being. High job resources (supervisor support, coworkers support and psychological climate at work) correlated with high job satisfaction and high positive affect at work. Work engagement mediated this links. The results indicate the need to develop Job Demands­Resources model.


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work engagement ob resources job­related well­being

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