O wartościach i ich zmianie - raport z badań porównawczych nad systemami wartości studentów

  • Author: Mirosława Czerniawska
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-153
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2016.03.08
  • PDF: kie/113/kie11308.pdf

The present publication deals with the description of selected aspect of young people’s mentality, i.e. their systems of values. The research was conducted three times: in 2003 (325 respondents), in 2008 (379 respondents), and in 2013 (368 respondents), and it embraced students of the Bialystok universities. An attempt was made to establish if in the period of the ten years between the three surveys, and thus with the advancement of the transformational processes in Poland, one could observe changes in the mentality in the desired direction from the point of view of political transformations from ‘collectivism’ to ‘individualism’. The way of understanding values was adopted from M. Rokeach’s theory. To study the system of values, the Rokeach Value Survey was used. The obtained results lead to a conclusion that together with the advancement of transformation processes, young people’s systems of values undergo the transformation ‘towards individualism’ (except the comparison of the groups from 2008 and 2013). However, this ‘individualisation’ refers to a particular category of values. A growth of preferences for ‘pro-developmental’ values, which are essential for the system changes, was not observed. Instead, there is stronger acceptance of hedonistic values connected with the need for stimulation (an interesting, pleasant and diversified life), as well as the values connected with the social and material status. There was also an increase in the significance of collective values, which are a part of stabilizingaffiliate syndrome.


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values of youths Rokeach’s value theory political transformations

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