Tutoring akademicki-korzyści dla studenta, nauczyciela i uczelni wyższej
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 154-171
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2016.03.09
- PDF: kie/113/kie11309.pdf
Tutoring as a teaching method is associated with the most prestigious European universities. More and more Polish universities decide to implement tutoring recognizing it as a way to create the image of an institution whose objective is to treat students subjectively and care about the quality of education. It is also a great method of improving talents and developing students’ and teachers’ academic potential. On one hand it is a method representing the elite personalized education; however, on the other hand, by means of providing the appropriate organizational conditions, it would also supplement the current educational process, which is typical for the mass education. The article presents the specific nature of the academic tutoring in terms of benefits that it would bring to the university, teachers and students. On the basis of the qualitative data collected during interviews with 15 participating in the program students from four Polish higher educational institutions, the program specificity and elements that, in students’ opinion, influence the program effectiveness were presented. The elements are as follows: relational nature of tutoring, tutor’s personality and classes in the form of individual meetings. Quoted comments indicate the effectiveness of this method, both in the context of students’ ability to be familiarized with the appropriate knowledge but also in the context of developing students’ communicative competence, ability to learn as well as increasing their motivation for learning. For teachers, tutoring is an opportunity to develop their didactic competence, to get rid of the academic routine, a chance to teach on the basis of constructing a good relationship with a student. For the university, tutoring is an opportunity to improve the quality of education and to implement methods of personalized education, which is associated with elite education and the best foreign universities.
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tutoring personalized education teaching methods quality of education didactics elite education