Bricolage in Scientific Research Practice: An Attempt at Grasping the Meaning of the Concept
- Institution: Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 113-136
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/128/kie12807.pdf
The article presents the results of analyses aimed at capturing the significance of bricolage emerging from its uses in scientific research practice. The main point of my interest are scientific conceptualizations of the concept of bricolage relating to the practice of defining, characterizing and embedding its meaning in existing theoretical approaches. The empirical basis of the analysis is confined to a set of 47 scientific articles which contain the concept of bricolage in their titles, abstracts, and keywords. Collecting these articles involved searching through such bibliographic databases as Web of Science, Scopus, Wiley, and the Polish National Library Catalogue. The direction of the analysis was inductive and emergent, subordinated to such research issues as: 1. what meanings of bricolage emerge from its use in scientific research practice? 2. how researchers justify the possibility of using bricolage in the practice of social and humanistic research? 3. what theoretical concepts are responsible for creating its meaning? Answering these questions has led me to a reconstruction of three conceptions of bricolage: epistemological bricolage, methodological bricolage, and hybrid bricolage.
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