- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-6
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: kie/110/kie110toc.pdf
The aim of this research is to evaluate the emotions that generate constructive and destructive strategies for coping in social conflict situations by adolescents. Studies based on C. Spielberger’s ThreeFactor Personality States and Traits Inventory (TISCO), adapted by K. Wrześniewski, and K. Thomas’ and R. Kilmann’s Conflict Resolution Style Questionnaire (CRSQ), adapted by T. Wach (Dąbrowski 1991), were used for the empirical study done in 2014 on students from Polish gymnasium schools in Vilnius. Adolescent students (131 girls and 126 boys) ranging from age 1315 years were chosen. Base on the analysis of the study material collected, one can say that adolescents applying destructive strategies in social conflict situations, demonstrate high level of negative emotions. Adolescents who constructively steer their behaviour in a social conflict situation are characterized with a higher level of positive emotions. The data from current studies suggests that youths using cooperation strategies in social conflict situations, exhibit higher emotional tension of curiosity, as a trait. Studies conducted show that during the age of adolescence, boys deal with emotionsactivating social conflict situations better than girls, as more often they seek mutual understanding with partners rather than resolving disputable issues.
Emotional Reactions Conflict Resolving Strategies Social Conflict Situation Gymnasium Youth gender differences Lithuania
The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the links between human health and the quality of life, referring to the period of the old age and aging. The starting point for the analysis was the systemic, holistic and salutogenetic approach to health as physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing, the level of which is determined not only by the human biology but also lifestyle and factors in the living environment. The article shows that wellbeing, which is achieved, among other things, through an active lifestyle and good living conditions, is a category uniting health and the quality of life in the subjective and objective dimensions. Given the inevitability of involutional biological changes and social inequalities in the period of aging and the old age, it was recognized that pedagogical activities aimed at improving the quality of life of seniors are a part of the educational aspects of health promotion. The purpose of “education in the old age” is to free the health potential of senior citizens by stimulating their active lifestyle, which, however, requires education to prepare people for their old age.
living conditions wellbeing lifestyle old age quality of life health
Currently, quick and profound changes occur in the sphere of language. The reasons for this are frequent and longterm interactions of the contemporary teenagers with social media, such as: Facebook, My Space, Flickr, online computer games and virtual realities, such as Club Penguin, Second Life and the Sims; websites collecting videos and pictures, such as YouTube; blogs (e.g. blogger, microblogger, Twitter), as well as the use of mobile telephony and smartphones, namely mobile phones and pocket computers, including iPod touch – a multifunctional computer with access to the Internet or iPhone – being a combination of a mobile phone with an entertainment platform and online messenger, as well as email. The aforementioned media offer teenagers a place to meet and quickly communicate with each other, and this phenomenon is growing exponentially. Social media encourage to experiment with language in order for everyday language to better reflect reality. This results, to a great extent, in depletion of language of the youth, simplification and introduction of new codes. This article is an attempt to describe this “new” language of Polish and Korean youth, as well as answer the following questions: Do the analyzed changes threaten the Polish and Korean language identity and orthography? Have English phrases become a permanent code of communication between teenagers in the two countries?
social media language of Polish and Korean youth virtual cultural institutions semantics and syntax of language of the youth
Creating a state’s symbolic space is one of the most important competencies of the authorities. It manifests itself in, inter alia, establishing topographies of memory (organizing sites of memory), erecting monuments, appropriate naming of streets, squares, public institutions and organization of the calendar of holidays. Holidays and celebrations are a great tool for communication between the authorities and the citizens, and one of the basic elements of the historical politics system of a state. The aim of the present study is to show – on the case study of the Polish calendar of public holidays in the 20th and 21st centuries – the mechanisms and tools used by the government to build a proper historical narrative.
national holidays Historical politics symbolic space ritual symbolic culture
The contemporary world is full of threats. Their scale, variety and dynamics make single countries, especially those smaller and less wealthy, unable to prevent them. Also former leaders of world politics such as France and Great Britain find this harder and harder. That is why, among integrating European countries there appeared the idea of Common Security and Defence Policy. Its assumption was strenghtening cooperation in these spheres, coordination of positions or the creation of rapid reaction forces, which may lead to common defence. Bearing in mind the events happening just outside the EU (North Africa, Middle East, Ukraine) and inside the EU (Paris terrorist attacks in 2015) there is a question what assumptions have been accomplished? What can the EU do to protect its citizens? These are the issues the article deals with.
Corrida the toros is considered a symbol of Spain. Corrida as a spectacle similar to a theatre spectacle is subject to rules. All elements of the spectacle, stages as well as tools used during corrida fall under strict rules, the same applies to the costumes worn by “actors” taking part in the corrida. Traje de luces – a lucent costume, which next to the bull itself is regarded as the most recognisable symbol of corrida. Matador’s outfit is considered as a piece of art by ones, others will see it as a ostentatious costume. What is it in reality? The answer to this question is not easy and obvious. The delicate handwork and fivestar materials position the costume of the matador as a work of art; however, garish colouring and exaggerated embellishments seem rather gaudy. Traje de luces should be always considered in a wider context, because only in that case its symbolism and meaning can be actually interpreted. Outside the corrida de toros the bright costume of the matador is only a colourful outfit, however in its natural environment, that is on the arena, it gains a completely different meaning. In this article, I will introduce various points of view on the topic.
traje de luces costume of the matador art daub craft corrida de toros spectacle culture Spain
Altmetrics, as a new scientometric measure, shows the scholarly impact of a scientist and her/his social activity on social networking platforms. We analysed communication on ResearchGate within the group formed by Nicolaus Copernicus University different domains researchers. They share interest in information visualisation and form local collaboration team. We considered two compositions of research sample: the original team and the nearest collaborators. The common attributes of RG users such as coauthorship, skills set, topics, and ascribed domains were analysed. Based on these units, we carry out the sociographs to reveal social structure dynamics. Domain analysis was performed by the use of the PCA – the method which is able to extract the most essential factors from the variables set. The results indicate a good coincidence for these two approaches: collaboration between researchers and their skills development can significantly change their major. We strived to show that RG is a space of interdisciplinary training in building and identifying their own field research based on full text. Thus RG is a proper tool for crossdisciplinary qualitative analysis. Altmetrics and visualisation are mutually substituted and complemented devices, perceived as new tools for team science study. This requires, nevertheless, not only the use of appropriate tools, but also collecting a large dataset on global scientific activity within multidisciplinary groups.
altmetrics sociometrics social networks analysis science visualisation PCA
Development in computing resulted in creation of various communities devoted to nonformal computer science and engineering practices. The article examines Polish hackers, defined as a legal part of computer subcultures, and compares studies of hackers done abroad with findings from ethnography done in Poland. Applying actornetwork theory as a methodological framework, it also shows how hacking collectives contribute to ecologies of knowledge on different scales. This contributions, observed as various technological, scientific, or political actions, construct hackerspace as a trading zone. The paper also discusses problems with merging descriptions of hackers’ culture with ANT approach.
hackers actornetwork theory (ANT) trading zone ecology of knowledge science and technology studies
ICT have great educational potential. Research shows, however, that ICT are not widely incorporated into education. This situation is presented by the SCOT theory, which shows that teacher ratings of new ICT are consistently and invariably negative. We decided to verify how preservice teachers rate the ICT solutions and the consistency of their ratings. Results showed that preservice teachers are indeed relatively consistent and invariable in their ratings. Moreover, those ICT solutions that can be incorporated into the traditional educational model without requiring significant technological framework receive better ratings than those that deviate from this model by requiring significant need for implementation of technology to be used in the educational setting.
ICT preservice teachers SCOT theory techno-pedagogical approach TPACK
The aim of this paper is to describe a genre that is gaining importance in contemporary humanities, and especially in its areas devoted to digital media – the technical report. Technical reports are discussed as part of the larger trend of open notebook science. This form of communication draws from experiences worked out in the field of technology, computer science and science. In this understanding technical reports are a genre of gray literature, a form dedicated to communicating results of research projects conducted by laboratories. The case study discussed in this text is devoted to a series of technical reports from the MIT Trope Tank lab, which are interpreted in the light of a manifestotext for this form of communication, Beyond the Journal and the Blog. The Technical Report for Communication in the Humanities, published by Nick Montfort. One of the aims of the article is also to contextualize technical reports against the background of other forms and methods of communication in laboratories from the field of contemporary humanities (including blogs, brochures, lab notebooks).
technical reports digital humanities creative computing science communications the Trope Tank lab
MOOC is one of the forthcoming challenges of global higher education system. Development of education system cannot be considered without global trends. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) become more and more popular. Article focuses on analysis of case studies of the most important xMOOCs providers: Coursera, edX. Authors focuses their analysis on direction of the development of xMOOCs in higher education as well as on key barriers for further development of the model.
massive open online course MOOC xMOOCs elearning free online courses mobile learning
This article aims to trace the transformation, which the term “humanities” (“human sciences”) was subject to from the early modern era to modern times. Its scope is limited to an indication of some of the key turning points in the history of understanding of the humanities by the humanists themselves, and to an identification of key categories that define the humanities (they include: paideia, studia humanitatis, république des lettres, and Bildung). The arguments contained herein are to serve rather as a voice, a contribution to the debate over the “crisis of the humanities”, which has been conducted more and more intensively for at least several decades.
humanities humanitas studia humanitatis paideia Bildung république des lettres
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