- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-8
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: kie/117/kie117toc.pdf
This article attempts to reflect on three crucial issues concerning migration research. First of all, we seek the answer to the question: what is a specific problem of migration in sociology and in theoretical and methodological approach? For this purpose we reach to the roots of Polish researches of migrants, by Florian Znaniecki and Józef Chałasiński. Secondly, we try to reconstruct the map of current migration problems as is the effect of reviewing the literature of the subject. We pay particular attention to research on migration issues in the UK. Thirdly, we attempt to present our own research approach to Polish emigrants’ problems by using two basical categories: adaptation and integration. The subject of further empirical investigations will be the factors which facilitate or block these processes.
migration after access migration attitudes identity modernization
The purpose of the article was the analysis of two topics: the freedom and new society in Steiner’s philosophy. Steiner in The Philosophy of Freedom postulates that the world is essentially an indivisible unity. He suggests, that freedom can only be approached gradually with the aid of the creative activity of thinking. The ability to think and act independently is a possibility for modern consciousness. The process of free action also includes the liberation from given (unreflected) natural driver, instincts and the commands of reason or authorities. The free action, are those for which we are fully conscious of the motive. He concludes, that freedom is the spiritual activity of penetrating with consciousness our own nature. The most striking feature of Anthroposophy will be deemed, at first sight, to be the cultivation of the soul’s inward life and the opening of the eyes to a spiritual world. But these doctrines are the foes of real life. The best situation would result if one would give people free way. He has the trust that they would find their direction themselves.
The article discusses the process of shaping the media image of Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski (1930 – 2004). The author argues that the feature film Jack Strong (directed by W. Pasikowski, Poland 2014) had importance in the public debate concerning this tragic figure in post-war Polish history. The article presents a series of journalistic materials from the press, in which the memory of R. Kuklinski is presented in dichotomous extremes between heroism and betrayal. A mixed media image of a soldier of Polish People’s Army cooperating with a hostile intelligence, fosters the myth of the new incarnation of Konrad Wallenrod.
This article aims at reconstruction of crucial for pedagogy of emancipation notions associated with colonisation and decolonisation. This objective includes both literally and metaphor meanings of colonisation and decolonisation used by P. Freire in his philosophy of education. Thus I will present modified by P. Freire conception of closed society as a relic of colonial society and I will also present his notion of colonisation and decolonisation of minds as an objective action for basic literacy during decolonisation processes in Africa in the seventies. The main reason of such purpose of this text is that colonisation is the crucial point and the main cause of emancipation in Freire’s conception of social movements in general and popular education in particular. On the other hand decolonisation is an archetypal form of emancipation, thus taking into account present social inequalities theory of P. Freire is still totally valid.
critical pedagogy literacy Paulo Freire colonisation decolonisation popular education emancipatory pedagogy revolutionary pedagogy
One of the symbols of the Great French Revolution was the Declarations of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen-a document adopted by the National Constituent Assembly on August 26, 1789, collecting fundamental rights and the constitutional principles of a democratic state. It later became a lofty introduction to the 1791 constitution. The French had yet to receive two declarations, attached to the following basic acts-from 1793 and 1795. Their content was different, and even when some of their rights were repeated, they often differed in their approach, which indicated the changing ruling teams, their political programs, and their social background. In addition to indicating the differences between the three declarations, the article shows in particular the inspirations of the first (most important) of them-basically the influence of the Enlightenment thought and the declaration of the laws of the states of North America. The author draws attention to the differences between the American and French approaches to human rights. Despite the fact that after 1795 no further declaration of rights was ever made in France, the achievements of the Great French Revolution, and especially the 1789 document, remain today a point of reference for democrats in France and all over the world.
France revolution Declarations of Rights human rights Constitution democracy
The research examines the attitudes to national culture and traditions, and a system of values. Analyses were conducted in 2003 (a sample of 325 students), and in 2008 (a sample of 379 students), and in 2013 (a sample of 368 students). It was assumed that (1) there are differences between three groups in acceptance of attitudes and (2) that attitudes to national culture and tradition depend on the value system. The Rokeach’s concept provides the theoretical background. The results of research allow stating that most students underline the significance of national heritages. The lowest acceptance of national heritage was observed in 2008. Moreover, attitudes depend on the value system: a positive attitude to culture and traditions of the own nation is connected with the higher preference of collective values, whereas the acceptance of cultural integration with the western countries is linked with individual values.
attitude to national culture and tradition value system individualism - collectivism
Asynchronous development of societies generates many social issues. One of them is the juvenileisation of poverty in the whole EU and Poland. This is a dangerous social phenomenon mainly due to the so-called distant effects of poverty. Most often they involve inbalance of socialization in the future social roles, especially the parent and employee. Trauma and suffering experienced by individuals and entire societies are also significant.
asynchronous development of society juvenileisation of poverty
Towards the end of the seventies of the twentieth century American philosopher Matthew Lipman and his colleagues developed a method of philosophical inquiry with children and the youth, which, according to the author, allowed to supply inefficient system of education in the areas of supporting intellectual and social development of children. The Philosophy for Children scheme was aimed to develop critical thinking skills, reasoning, argumentation and dialogue. The idea of philosophizing with children in school has become an inspiration for many educational experiments carried out in various parts of the world. An important part of these experiments is the scheme’s evaluation, the aim of which is to investigate the effectiveness of the method and its impact on intellectual, emotional and social development of children. The article analyzes the 4 selected European researches, concerning the measurement of the impact of philosophical investigations on the development of children cognitive competence. It presents the basic methodological assumptions, the course of study and the results and conclusions of experiments. All of these experiments demonstrate the positive impact of methods to support the intellectual development of children. Despite this, the method is still seen only as an educational experiment and there is not wider application in education. From the analysis of research reports one can conclude that there is a need for in-depth and systematic study of the method of philosophical inquiry in education, inclusion in the study area, not only the effect of the impact of the program on children’s competence but also on the competence of teachers and broadly understood culture of the school.
philosophy for children P4C philosophical inquiry cognitive competence educational researches Matthew Lipman
This paper is an attempt to show the changes in education in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Article indicates the main directions of change in the philosophy of education and their structural implications for the education system, in response to the changing socio-political and dominant global trends while imitating structural solutions and attitudes present in Western societies. The primary source base constitute a public database (eng. The reports of the World Bank, and Education at Glance published by the OECD) as well as statistical analyzes prepared on their basis. The main aim of this article is to attempt to identify significant similarities and differences which the participation of countries undergoing a similar path of development.
modernization imitative (post) communist countries attitudes towards education educational systems Education
The aim of the article is to overview the methods and procedures of the higher education’s quality evaluation system applied at English universities, as well as drawing conclusions referring to the applicability of these experiences in Polish circumstances. The exemplary universities, i.e. the University of Bolton, near Manchester and the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, not far from London conduct an internal evaluation, employing their own methods, and, additionally, participate in an external evaluation, both national and international. The latter is carried out by special institutions, such as: The Higher Education Academy, Ipsos MORI-a company using the National Student Questionnaire (NSS), The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and The International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) that belonging to The Tribal Group PLC. The topics covered involve: the importance of the quality of teaching evaluation in the process of university management, procedures and methods for the assessment of the didactics’ quality applied in England (using the examples of two above-mentioned universities) as well as some conclusions concerning the applicability of British experiences in Polish educational environment including potential benefits and difficulties.
Hertfordshire Bolton university management education quality’s evaluation university didactics
The paper presents the essence of the education for safety. There were analyzed both theoretical issues and curriculum of the education aimed at matters related to widely understood safety in the system of public education as well as system of education in the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.
This paper presents preliminary evaluation of the programme of, so called, ordered specializations. This programme in recent years has made a significant impact on the higher education system in Poland. The evaluation was made from an economic perspective considering the effectiveness of the programme. Due to lack of appropriate data it is too early for the comprehensive evaluation of the programme. Its effects will become visible in long-run perspective. In the article we use quantitative data from the surveys conducted for the purpose of the project evaluation (surveys with students, graduates, employers and representatives of Higher Education Institutions). The analysis shows that, although the programme has brought the effect of increasing the enrolment in selected fields of study, it did not necessarily lead to the achievement of labour market goals. In the context of the huge expenditure for the implementation of the programme (more than 1.2 billion PLN), the assessment of the economic efficiency of the programme is ambiguous. Conclusions of the evaluation of the programme are crucial in the context of the planned construction of similar actions in the future.
higher education ordered specializations HEI labour market studies
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