
  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/119/kie119toc.pdf



Publikacja “Kultura i Edukacja” w języku angielskim, udostępnienie wersji cyfrowej w wolnym dostępie i zabezpieczenie oryginalności publikacji zgodne ze standardem COPE – zadania finansowane w ramach umowy 853/P-DUNdem/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

table of contents

Pluralizm racjonalności i pluralistyczna krytyka imparcjalizmu

  • Author: Łukasz Perlikowski
  • Institution: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Płocku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11-28
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.01
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11901.pdf

The article aims to present and critically analyze one of the currents of thought within the framework of deliberative democracy. The main dispute that we identify in the framework of this theory is the dispute between the impartialist and pluralistic approach. The role of reason towards the phenomenon of pluralism is the subject of these discussions. The impartialists base their arguments above all on the idea of public reason, while pluralists deny its value to other values. It can therefore be concluded that this dispute consists in opposing the rationality of pluralism to the pluralism of rationality. In addition to analyzing the arguments of the pluralist approach, we also focus on the criticism of the impartialism that these positions have put forward. The article distinguishes three possible forms of pluralism: rationality of pluralism, plurality of rationality prima facie and plurality of rationality sensu proprio. This allows us to show the relationship between impartialism (rationality of pluralism) and pluralism (plurality of rationalities prima facie) and the plurality of pluralism proposed by the critics of impartiality (plurality of rationalities prima facie) with a specific form of pluralism (plurality of rationality sensu proprio). In addition, in the article we identify the directives which pluralists propose to take place of public reason. The pluralistic approach which we analyze in the text is presented by such authors as: Iris Marion Young, Seyla Benhabib, Chantal Mouffe, Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson. The impartialist tradition should be associated with John Rawles and his interpreters and critics such as Joshua Cohen and Brian Barry.

impartialism rationality pluralism deliberative democracy political philosophy

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„Według własnego uznania, dla dobra publicznego, poza nakazami prawa…” Ślady Lockeańskiej koncepcji prerogatywy w kulturze politycznej USA

  • Author: Karol Dobrzeniecki
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 29-40
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.02
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11902.pdf

The article refers to the class of situations in which abandoning the principle of legalism occurred in connection with the threat to the basic interests of a society and a state. The political history of the United States provides numerous examples of this kind of events. During international armed conflicts involving the US, civil wars or revolutions, the political leaders of this modern constitutional state have often decided to breach the law in order to overcome the danger threatening „the life of the nation”. One of the explanations for this state of affairs was the fact that the constitution of 1787, as distinguished from many other contemporary national constitutions, did not contain detailed solutions for the times of crisis. The activity of American presidents in the area of national security was grounded on expanding interpretations of their competences defined in the Basic Law. One of the theoretical grounds for president’s emergency power doctrine was the theory of prerogative elaborated by John Locke in the late 17th century. The article seeks to provide answer to the following paradox. Why did Locke, despite his involvement in developing the idea of the rule of law, also accept exercising extralegal prerogative powers in cases of emergency? The English philosopher defined the prerogative as „the power to act according to discretion, for the public good, without the prescription of the law, and sometimes even against it”. The idea of extralegal powers has become a recurring motif in the history of the United States’ liberal political culture. Proponents of this vision were convicted that uncertainty, contingency and an unforeseen cases are an inherent features of social and political life, which in many cases elude legal regulation. Recently, the renaissance of Locke’s theory of prerogative has taken place in connection with the war on terrorism, in form of an extralegal measures doctrine.

presidential inherent powers emergency powers prerogative John Locke

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Kultura szkoły versus klimat szkoły

  • Author: Inetta Nowosad
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 41-53
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.03
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11903.pdf

The article attempts to analyse the notions of school culture and school climate as well as their definitions, scopes and the applied research approaches. Although such activities have been undertaken and presented both in English and German literature, they have failed to constitute a separate field of analysis in Poland and as such, have been merely addressed on the margins of other problems. In this article, the author points out the positions of researchers who have identified the need to clarify the separate identity of the notions and for this purpose, to adopt appropriate research approaches, often leading, as the author attempts to illustrate, to diverse conclusions.

school efficiency school development school climate school culture

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O podstawowych związkach prawa i diagnostyki edukacyjnej

  • Author: Łukasz Kierznowski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 54-69
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.04
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11904.pdf

General legal position of an individual in terms of education is shaped by the norms of constitutional weight. Among them a special place is taken up by the principle of equal access to education, which is one of the guarantees of the right to education. In the author’s opinion, the above mentioned principle has a close relation to educational diagnostics, especially its normalized part, which is didactic measurement. Therefore, an extralegal element, which is the measurement (of its quality), has a significant influence on the legal position of an individual and determines the possibility to use one of the most fundamental rights. From the pedagogical perspective, the author proposes taking into account the legal environment in which educational diagnostics functions, and which – although roughly – he presents in the article, whereas from the legal perspective he points out to the necessity of taking into account the educational diagnostics’ conditioning in the evaluation process of implementing equal access to education.

equal access to education the right to education didactic measurement educational diagnostics Law

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Samotność osób starszych i czynniki ją warunkujące

  • Author: Małgorzata Fopka-Kowalczyk
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 70-80
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.05
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11905.pdf

In the common opinion, old age is still a taboo. Among the variety of the difficulties experienced by the elderly, there are also an increasingly occurring struggle with acclimating to the aging, and a sense of being a burden. The article focuses on the issue of loneliness, especially among elderly people. It is also an attempt to answer the questions of whether the old people experience loneliness, and what are the factors that affect this condition. In order to reply to these questions, the author attempted an analysis of the issues basing on literature, using theoretical analysis data and the earlier research.

active ageing the value of solitude being alone types of solitude loneliness multifaceted aging old age

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Podstawa Programowa jako wyznacznik wczesnoszkolnej edukacji językowej

  • Author: Anna Wasilewska
  • Institution: Akademia Marynarki Wojennej im. Bohaterów Westerplatte w Gdyni
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 83-98
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.06
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11906.pdf

The article presents research on possible interpretations of Core Curriculum provisions in the area of linguistic education for the 1st educational stage: grades 1 – 3, early school education. Core Curriculum is a starting point of planning and organisation of educational process, linguistic education included. While its interpretation is dependent on numerous factors, it was assumed that basic interpretation direction is dictated by the language of the Core Curriculum itself. The objective of the article was to reflect on meanings in Core Curriculum provisions, which become a vital influence on early school language learning. The regarded problem is thus: how does the language of Core Curriculum dictate possible methods of interpretation in educational strategies? Language acquirement theories overview was presented in relation to the school didactics appearing in various pedagogic paradigms. Then, Core Curriculum provisions were analysed and matched to specific didactic options, including their relations to language acquisition theories. In the analysis, category of „linguistic image of the world” was used, which allows to reveal point of view of document authors on theoretical and didactic bases of early school language learning. Core Curriculum provisions turn out to be equivocal or even contradictory in relation to the theoretical basis, which implicates chaos in the didactic interpretation.

interpretation didactic approaches linguistic competence acquirement theories early school language learning Core Curriculum

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Kultura tudzież rehabilitacja : Ku zmianie paradygmatu w edukacji głuchych i słabosłyszących w Polsce

  • Author: Mariusz Sak
  • Institution: Ośrodek SzkolnoWychowawczy dla Głuchych im. Jana Siestrzyńskiego w Warszawie
  • Author: Ewelina Moroń
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
  • Author: Piotr Tomaszewski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 99-114
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.07
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11907.pdf

The social functioning of people with dysfunctions is an essential part of any training programme for future special education teachers. Special Education Studies involve two large class modules dedicated, among other things, to the methodology of teaching and the social functioning of children, youth and adults with disabilities. With respect to deaf and hard of hearing persons (DHH), one can speak about focusing on rehabilitation and integration of DHH students into the whole of hearing society in the broad sense of the terms: this approach is specific to Polish surdopedagogy which is one of the fields of Special Education. Consequently, Polish surdopedagogy devotes relatively little attention to deaf people’s manual communication, in particular the Polish Sign Language (PJM) or to deafness from the cultural perspective. These two dominant features of Polish surdopedagogy, i.e., the affirmation of special therapy and the ignorance of the communication aspect, will be subject to an analysis that is necessary in view of the emancipation of Deaf Studies, or of an interdisciplinary approach to the problems of deafness from the DHH community’s perspective. Deaf Studies cover the same issues as surdopedagogy. However, while surdopedagogy is based on the medical definition of deafness (inability to hear) and its effect on the functioning of people with hearing loss, the foundation for Deaf Studies is the social functioning of DHH persons among d/Deaf people, which reflects the developmental dynamics of their cultural identity within the linguistic minority, with all the consequential implications.

literacy deaf education Deaf Studies surdo-pedagogy

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Futerał, wehikuł, biokombinezon . Ciało jako (re)prezentacja tożsamości w narracjach uczestników wybranych grup religijnych

  • Author: Elżbieta Mudrak
  • Institution: Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Ekonomii TWP Olsztyn
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 115-134
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.08
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11908.pdf

The submitted paper focuses on the issue of corporeality, strictly spoken on the conjunction of an individual’s physical body with its bearer’s personal identity – examined within the context of the affiliation to religious groups. The attempt to find an answer to the basic issue of „Who am I” is not restricted to the nontangible realm of the human psyche, but is conditioned by the materiality of the human body as well and therewith extends into the world of physical appearances. Man’s material body is the place where the biological processes of life manifest themselves, with our sensory organs we experience the world’s physical reality. The possession of a physical body allows for religious activity. The human body turns into an object of special care and attention. Medical conditions in particular emphasize the human corporeality, especially when associated with pain experience. Similarly the consumption of psychotropic substances which provoke changes of consciousness, causes an enhanced bodyawareness. The strong correlation between personal identity and the body finds its expression in the parameter of a deeply experienced cohesive identity.

practices of the body religious group the body identity

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Kultura szkoły jako moderator relacji między stresorami w pracy a zaangażowaniem w pracę nauczycieli

  • Author: Maciej Karwowski
  • Institution: Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie
  • Author: Elżbieta Strutyńska
  • Institution: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-157
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.09
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11909.pdf

Is school culture able to reduce the negative influence of work stressors present in teacher’s work? The goal of the study presented in this paper was to test a hypothetical mechanism, according to which school’s culture moderates the links between stressors and teachers’ job engagement. Relying on job demandsresources theoretical model, in the investigation conducted on a large (N=449) sample of teachers we found that although indeed the exposition to stress in an everyday teachers’ work is negatively related to teachers’ engagement, school culture serves as a buffer that moderates the relationship between stress and engagement. Among the teachers who perceived their school culture as supportive, stress did not reduce their engagement, while this effect was find in less supportive schools.

teachers’ stress school culture engagement

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Kapitał naukowy uczniów jako przedmiot analiz teoretycznych i empirycznych

  • Author: Aleksandra Tłuściak-Deliowska
  • Institution: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 158-173
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.10
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11910.pdf

The article is aimed at presenting the category of science capital as a new category in the field of pedagogical research. Science capital as a construct was proposed in the second decade of the 21st century by the team of Louise Archer from King’s College. This category consists of: (1) scientific forms of cultural capital, (2) behavior and practices related to science, and (3) scientific forms of social capital. The text presents the development of this concept together with a discussion of its elements and their meaning. Scientific capital can be one of the greatest wealth of society, and its use depends on the future development of not only individual units, but also the country and the possibility of high achievements in the fields of science. This is a very current issue, therefore it is important to better understand the shaping of the science capital of young people. The text also reviews the previous empirical studies devoted to the analyzed category. On this basis, it was concluded that scientific capital as an educational variable is still subjected to reconceptualization, requires refinement and further exploration.

science aspiration science capital cultural capital social capital Science Education

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Społeczna percepcja szans i zagrożeń korzystania z nowych technologii komunikacyjnych

  • Author: Łukasz Rogowski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 177-193
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.11
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11911.pdf

Development and popularization of new communication technologies generate new dimensions of opportunities and threats associated with learning and using technologies as well as with their sociocultural consequences. The article presents four dimensions of social perception of these threats and opportunities: creativity, representative potential, psychological attitude, privacy and control. They were distinguished on the basis of two research projects using qualitative research techniques. Particular attention was dedicated to generational usage of technology. In this way, the paper may be the basis for distinguishing the dimensions of technological competencies.

technological generations mobile technologies qualitative research new media new technologies

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Radio – wstrząśnięte, nie zmieszane? Komiks radiowy w obliczu koncepcji „Media Martini”

  • Author: Karolina Albińska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 194-209
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.12
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11912.pdf

Radio programmes that prevail in the contemporaty „mediasphere” are prone to hybridization. They easily cross artificial generic divisions and get the status of multidimensional entities that activate many senses of media users. It is possible because they loose the distinctive features of audio broadcasts. As a result, they can take various forms, travel across media platforms and be consumed any time, any place. These criteria are fulfilled by „radio comic” – a specific „generic coctail” that reconciliates contradictions according to the rules imposed by audiovisual type of culture. However, it brings new quality to the media landscape, since it gives both radio dramas and „stories with balloones” more universal life. Referring to the productions such as „Nietoty”, „Jan Kalata” and „The Intergalactic Nemesis”, this article discusses the issue of transmediality of modern radio broadcasts. It presents many faces of „radio-comic” that stems from a strong tendency for radio visualization.

transmediality of broadcasts radio visualization radiocomic radio drama gereric hybridization

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Sztuka „permanentnego zdziwienia” . Wokół języka symboli w Sztuce znikania Bartka Konopki i Piotra Rosołowskiego

  • Author: Agnieszka Kamińska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 210-226
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.01.13
  • PDF: kie/119/kie11913.pdf

„Art disappearance” (2012)2 is a film by Bartosz Konopka and Piotr Rosołowski, qualified by the authors of the document, but not entirely located within the traditionally understood documentary3. „Art disappearance” combines various genres: classic dokument, found footage and mocumentary. The axis, around which the narrative of the film focuses, is in fact a romantic concept of messianism of the Polish nation by Adam Mickiewicz. Less obviously, however, it is inspired by anthropological reflection of Ryszard Kapuscinski. The author analyzed those topics, associations and inspiration appearing in the film which allow the reader to include „Art of disappearing” among the works of the complicated structure of intertextual references.

voodoo documentary culture anthropology

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Noty o autorach

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 261-263
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/119/kie119auth.pdf


notes on authors


  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-6
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/120/kie120toc.pdf



Publikacja “Kultura i Edukacja” w języku angielskim, udostępnienie wersji cyfrowej w wolnym dostępie i zabezpieczenie oryginalności publikacji zgodne ze standardem COPE – zadania finansowane w ramach umowy 853/P-DUNdem/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

spis treści table of contents

Urban Space, Festivals, and Consumption: Sociological Reflections on Two Festivals in Post-Soviet City

  • Author: Liutauras Kraniauskas
  • Institution: Klaipeda University
  • Author: Aušra Paulauskienė
  • Institution: LCC International University
  • Author: Sigita Kraniauskienė
  • Institution: Klaipeda University
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-36
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.01
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12001.pdf

The article explores social relations between festivals, consumption, and urban spaces. The study deals with two city festivals, Sea Festival and International Short Film Festival Tinklai, in post-Soviet city Klaipeda, Lithuania, over the period of 1991–2010, and impact of consumption on the geography of festivals’ locations within the city. We argue that modern festivals gradually move to those urban spaces which lost their functionality and can be easily transformed into temporary places of controlled consumption. Festivals set urban spaces for new sociality of emotional community, while physical arrangements of festival territories reproduce more general patterns of social distinctions and hierarchies. Methodological assumptions of the study come from Bourdieu’s typology of taste, De Certeau’s idea of urban space signification practices, and H. Lefebvre’s theory of urban space production.

consumption taste urban space festivals sociology of city

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Preferred Techniques for Learning ESP Lexis by Generation Z

  • Author: Irena Darginaviciene
  • Institution: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 37-50
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.02
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12002.pdf

Vocabulary has long been taught and learned through single words. The traditional learning involved making lists of words with their translations into learner native language. Although words are the key blocks of language, they do not occur individually. To produce coherent texts, words are combined and integrated into various situations. Language practitioners, who are unaware of recent linguistic research, usually use commercial textbooks that rely on grammar syllabus. In 1993, M. Lewis introduced a lexical approach which claims that language consists of meaningful word combinations known as chunks. Corpus studies confirmed that chunks dominate all language structures. It is acknowledged that acquisition of lexis is a very complex and demanding process. Learners of each generation use different ways of learning. Recognition and recall are two key concepts that demonstrate how learners can cope with receptive and productive skills. Recognition implies understanding lexis while reading or listening, and recall refers to learners’ ability to remember and use it in speaking or writing. This article aims at investigating how students of Klaipeda University, who represent Generation Z (2000–present), prefer to learn English for Specific Purposes (ESP) lexis, which is one of key difficulties they encounter in learning English. The data are obtained from the two surveys that have been administered to the respondents. The analysis of the responses reveals that Generation Z prefers traditional ways of mastering lexis.

receptive knowledge communicative approach Generation Z ESP lexis preferences in learning

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Global Generation(s) and Higher Education: Some Reflections on the Use of Ulrich Beck’s Concepts in the Polish Context

  • Author: Mirosław Kowalski
  • Institution: University of Zielona Góra
  • Author: Łukasz Albański
  • Institution: Pedagogical University of Cracow
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 51-64
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.03
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12003.pdf

At the beginning of 21st century, we are witnessing a global transformation of the generational dynamics that exacerbate intra-generational tensions across ethnic lines. Amid crises, global challenges and deep-seated insecurity are interwoven with the turmoil of the present. With the instability of an increasingly complex world, young people are highly exposed to the forces of global risks. All young people are affected, but not all young people equally. Therefore, global generations break down into different fractions in a conflictual relationship with each other. This article outlines Beck’s major concepts in order to show some theoretical frameworks for the study on global generations. The focus is on the role of the university that should play in the contemporary world. The example of Poland seems to be particularly relevant to the discussion about the validity of Beck’s contribution to understanding of divisions, contradictions, and desires of the global generations. Many young Poles appear to be open for migratory experiences, but at the same time, they are reluctant to accept immigration to Poland. The article attempts to explore some contexts of mixed feelings about migration such as individuality and insecurity, media and the culture of catastrophe, education and neoliberal agenda. Nevertheless, the main goal of the article is to reconsider the role of education in times of rapid migration and generational interconnectedness.

U. Beck intra-generational conflicts young people higher education migration

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Intercultural Education in Poland: Current Problems and Research Orientations

  • Author: Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur
  • Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 65-82
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.04
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12004.pdf

The study presents an assessment of the achievements and problems of intercultural pedagogy as an important educational (sub)discipline, which has been developing intensively in Poland – particularly since the 1990s. Against the background of a crisis of multicultural education, a new suggestion was presented aimed at overcoming its drawbacks in the form of the theoretical assumptions and practical solutions of intercultural education. However, understanding and accepting intercultural education depends on many factors – e.g., historical experiences, the developmental level of societies and the socio-political system. This necessitates presenting the essence of intercultural education as well as formulating its message both in Poland and worldwide.

pedagogy intercultural pedagogy multicultural education intercultural education scientific schools in Poland

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Cultural Sensitivity of Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian Students

  • Author: Mariusz Korczyński
  • Institution: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • Author: Mateusz Stefanek
  • Institution: Vincent Pol University in Lublin
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 83-96
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.05
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12005.pdf

The aim of the study was to establish the level of cultural sensitivity of Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian students, as well as characterize the differences in this respect between these groups. Cultural sensitivity is understood here as an indicator of intercultural communicative ability, which manifests itself in willingness to engage in interactions with people of different cultures.
The study was conducted using a diagnostic poll with the research tool Intercultural Sensitivity Scale developed by G.M Chen and J.W. Starosta. Another methods employed included the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and LSD test. The subjects of the study were 293 students of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and Vincent Pol University in Lublin, 91 of whom were Polish, the same number of Ukrainians and 101 Belarusians.
The research showed that the Ukrainian students are the most willing to engage in conversation with a person of different culture, obtaining average and high results for all factors. The lowest results, in turn, belong to the Poles, whose results were all average. Statistical analyses showed that the differences are statistically significant for 4 out of 5 examined dimensions of sensitivity. The students from Ukraine turned out to be the most diversifying group.

people of foreign culture cultural sensitivity intercultural communication competence intercultural education students

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Displaced Objects and Meanings. A Few Remarks on the Fang Mask, Masawa Canoes and Kachina Dolls

  • Author: Andrzej Kisielewski
  • Institution: University in Bialystok
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 97-112
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.06
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12006.pdf

Each of the artefacts mentioned in the title is an exemplification of products of the anthropological “Other”. Each of them comes from a distinct geographical region and represents an entirely different culture. However, all of them have been connected together in the Western culture realia as a result of a particular type of displacements. The first displacement involved their physical migration – first to European museums of natural history and ethnological museums. The next one resulted in their emergence on the market of exotic “oddities” whereas yet another displacement located them within the conceptual framework delimited by the artistic discourse. This last displacement shows that it is very difficult to understand or “translate” one culture into another because the conceptual framework of the “translator” is always determined by their own culture.

cultural anthropology art history anthropology of art

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The Effect of Experimental Presentation of Images of Women in Magazine Advertising and Works of Art on Body (Dis)satisfaction in Adolescent Girls

  • Author: Beata Mirucka
  • Institution: University of Bialystok
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 113-130
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.07
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12007.pdf

The present study was the first to investigate the influence of artistic images of women on adolescent girls’ body attitude. The results have shown that a 10-minute exposure to artistic images of women by such great masters as Titian, Botticelli or Degas significantly changed body attitude in teenage girls, which was expressed through increased body satisfaction, decreased body dissatisfaction, and weakening of negative body emotion. Those outcomes have also confirmed the results of the existing studies exploring the negative influence of magazine advertising on teenage girls’ body experiencing. The comparison of two study groups has shown that girls looking at women in works of art expressed a significantly higher level of body satisfaction than girls exposed to women in advertisements.

body (dis)satisfaction images of women media influence perception of art adolescence

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Artists in the Eyes of Children – Semiotic Analysis of the Meanings about Artists Constructed by Children

  • Author: Małgorzata Karczmarzyk
  • Institution: University of Gdańsk
  • Author: Dominika Szelągowska
  • Institution: III High School in Gdansk
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-141
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.08
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12008.pdf

The problem around which this study was constructed is the contemporary art and a person, who creates this art – an artist, and their authentic perception by the child. A modern vision of the child too often shows the artist in a distorted, incomplete or reduced way. This kind of children knowledge, based on the patterns and stereotypes, reduces the reflectivity of children, unnecessarily distorts their judgment and closes the road ahead to a full and critical participation in the world. The study is based on the analysis of interviews and children’s drawings centered around the perception of the profile of an artist by children. It results from the analysis of the research material gathered during the study that this is a stereotypical vision, and the artist is still associated with a person who remains beyond the reach of “normal” society.
The conducted research shows the diversity of the types of meanings that children aged 5–7 attribute to the term “artist” and “artistry”. The naive ideas on this subject created by children prove to be a collection of beliefs of a partially common and often completely different nature. For a pedagogue, the ultimate purpose of the research is to obtain knowledge which will allow effective changes in education, in this case, in art education. The investigation of meanings which children attribute to concepts concerning the artistic phenomena may allow to create a strategy of transmission of knowledge of art history and to design the creative activities connected with the broadly-understood visual arts.

children artists semiotic analysis drawings interviews children’s meanings common concepts of reality

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Selected Problems of Cultural Participation in Early and Late Adulthood

  • Author: Beata Bonna
  • Institution: Kazimierz Wielki University
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 142-158
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.09
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12009.pdf

The objective of this article is to describe surveys carried out in Poland which facilitated a comparison of selected forms of cultural activity and ways of cultural participation by people in their early and late adulthood, as well as its conditions and associated opinions. The analysis demonstrated that the model of cultural participation changes with age, which is a factor strongly differentiating between the mentioned fields of research. The majority of young people prefer mediated cultural participation, in which the Internet plays a significant role. Seniors prefer direct and elite forms of cultural activity. The respondents also differ in the way they assess the attractiveness of the forms of direct contact with culture. Most young people find popular music concerts and film screenings attractive, while seniors tend to go to classical music concerts, operettas and theatre performances. Adults also differ in respect of their opinions on the benefits of cultural participation and the majority of the associated barriers.

cultural participation and the age of adult people manner of cultural participation forms of cultural activity conditions for cultural participation opinions on cultural participation

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Participation in Culture of Adults with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities: Biographical Analysis of People Living with their Parents

  • Author: Iwona Myśliwczyk
  • Institution: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 159-173
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.10
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12010.pdf

This paper discusses issues related to the participation in culture of adults with moderate intellectual disabilities. The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a study interpreting and constructing participation in culture by members of this group. I was interested in how such people experience culture and how they interpret it and what significance they attach to its various manifestations. This piece of research was located in the current of constructivist and interpretative studies, which has enabled the application of the biographical method. The research project used four individual, in-depth and partially structured interviews and narrative analysis.
The narratives told by the interviewees reveal the subjective sense and meaning imparted by people with intellectual disabilities to their own participation in culture. The narratives have shown the difficult adulthood and the resulting problems of everyday life. The biographies of adults with intellectual disabilities living with their parents show the complexity of adulthood and the resulting attributes. Due to the difficulties of everyday life, the reality constructed by the narrators is filled with regret, anger, disappointment, sadness and longing for normality. Negative emotions do not allow them to develop, to open up to people, to build relations with them. This results in a limited participation of adults with intellectual disabilities in culture in a broad sense of the word.

culture family adulthood qualitative research

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Special Education in the Context of Educational Shifts towards Inclusion

  • Author: Beata Papuda-Dolińska
  • Institution: Maria-Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 174-191
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.11
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12011.pdf

The paper analyzes a confusion in the special education field caused by paradigm shifts towards social model of disability and inclusive model of education of children with special needs. Theoretical considerations concern the changes in the subject of the special education field’s interests, terminology, teaching methods and methodology employed by a special education discipline. In the paper special education’s and inclusive education’s assumptions were confronted. As it turned out, in many points they are contradictory. Especially, the notion and practice of categorization rooted in traditional special education and demonstrable in special needs definition, teachers’ training or teaching methods seem to be very difficult challenges for implementation of inclusive education.

special education inclusive education special educational needs disability

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The Stratifying and Socializing Role of Popular Culture in Shaping the Identity of Young Generation

  • Author: Gabriela Piechaczek-Ogierman
  • Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 192-202
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.12
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12012.pdf

Popular culture creates trends, shapes the world view, is a source of inspiration and identification of the young. The research results presented in this study show that youth in the final stage of adolescence judge the reality in a critical way. A significant number of the examined learners implement the model of identity shaped in the ‘down top’ direction. They reject media authorities and aim at creating their own concept of themselves. At the same time, a large percentage of the respondents respect media models associated with appearance and the consumerist lifestyle.

youth popular culture media models identity

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Responsibility as the Result of Life Experience through the Adult Learners’ Eyes

  • Author: Ewa Duda
  • Institution: The Maria Grzegorzewska University
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 203-214
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.13
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12013.pdf

The meaning of responsibility, especially in young adults, plays an important role in contemporary life. It has an impact on the family life, social relations, ways of a work performance and many other aspects. The problem of taking responsibility by present-day people is discussed on different levels and in different areas. The point of view of adult learners of the formal education system still remains overlooked in academic discourse. This article presents adult learners’ understanding of the concept of adulthood and its important component, responsibility. The present study examined opinions of learners attending upper secondary school for adults, using the phenomenography method. In anonymous survey with open-ended questions, 94 voluntary participants (aged 18–63) took part. This qualitative study examined how adult learners begin to recognize the importance of a sense of responsibility for themselves and how it influences their life. The results of the study indicate the traditional understanding of the concept of adulthood by adult learners. Personal development, as a result of a variety of life experiences, makes increase of the importance of responsibility for themselves, their family and surrounding. Though different life difficulties, awkwardness, lack of autonomy, the value of responsibility becomes more significant.

adult education andragogical research formal education life experiences

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Krzysztof Sawicki, Diady, kliki, gangi. Młodzież nieprzystosowana społecznie w perspektywie współczesnej pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej [Dyads, Cliques, Gangs. Juvenile Offenders from the Perspective of Contemporary Social Rehabilitation], Wyd. Impuls, Krak

  • Author: Aneta Skuza
  • Institution: Jan Kochanowski’s University in Kielce
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 223-227
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.02.15
  • PDF: kie/120/kie12015.pdf


Review recenzja

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  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/121/kie121toc.pdf



Publikacja “Kultura i Edukacja” w języku angielskim, udostępnienie wersji cyfrowej w wolnym dostępie i zabezpieczenie oryginalności publikacji zgodne ze standardem COPE – zadania finansowane w ramach umowy 853/P-DUNdem/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

spis treści table of contents

Singapur – azjatycki model wielokulturowości

  • Author: Wiktor Rabczuk
  • Institution: PEDAGOGIUM Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11–27
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.01
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12101.pdf

The author aims at answering the question: “What activities do the authorities undertake to manage the multiculturalism of the city-state which is situated at the intersection of three cultural spheres (the Chinese, Indian and Islamic) and which constitutes a unique mosaic of religions, denominations, beliefs, ideologies, ethnic and language groups? To what extent do the undertakings of state authorities affect social behaviour of citizens and their mentality?”. Using the document analysis (especially of legal acts), the author discusses: demographical issues, with special regard to the policy of positive discrimination towards autochthonous population of Singapore – Malayans; religious pluralism and secularity of the state which promotes religious harmony; some examples of reactions of the society and officials to the attitudes and statements posing threat to religious harmony; the linguistic policy called multilingualism (with special focus on the role of Singlish – the language which is becoming an attribute of the Singapore identity); the values which school implants in learners so that they could live together and build inclusive society. The author concludes that – in the conditions of Singapore – multiculturalism is becoming a socially functional phenomenon, which enhances the construction of inclusive society and its successful economic, social and cultural development. In the face of the European crisis of multiculturalism, the author encourages researchers to pay more attention to the positive experiences of the countries which do not belong to the European cultural circles.

funkcjonalność multilingwizm harmonia religijna laickość model Singapur wielokulturowość Singapore multiculturalism laicism religious harmony multilingualism functionality

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Kreowanie przestrzeni międzykulturowej na Wileńszczyźnie

  • Author: Alicja Szerląg
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 28-41
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.02
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12102.pdf

A man functions in a given area and significant places. The area, on one hand, reflects the way of thinking about the world, and on the other it expresses social life in its arrangement, at the same time serving as a mean to reproduce social relations. Thus, a man who utilises it and creates it is the one that enters it on basis of various types of relations. It can take shape of cultural space perceived as physical realm that carries cultural reality (a set of significances and signs). A cultural space understood like that entails the category of space, which (as a place of significance with its historicalness and rationality) plays key part on the process of shaping one’s identity. The culture of place at the same time fulfils unifying, directing and standardizing function of the social relations. Given the multicultural character of the place interculturalism is crucial, and within its framework the cross-cultural potential of individuals shaping intercultural space in a culturally diverse local setting. A man enters relations with the place whereas the place creates an area of mutual coexistence with the man. The Vilnius region is a place significant for its inhabitants, as it constitutes a cultural community located in the cultural borderland. The factors that condition it entail common cultural legacy, localness, interaction and sense of familiarity. They are accompanied by the skills of recognizing cultural legacy, followed by interactional competences and multi-dimensional growth. Cognition and understanding therefore shall be considered as the key elements of establishing a community at the meeting points of cultures, i.e. intercultural area. They should be favoured by actions undertaken in the local environment, by the mean of, for instance, folk art, folk culture, that both provide with cultural, educational and pedagogical functions.

examples of good practices intercultural potential creating space significant place area przykład dobrej praktyki potencjał międzykulturowy kreowanie przestrzeni miejsce znaczące przestrzeń

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Globalne pogranicza społeczno-kulturowe jako przestrzenie socjalizacji i wychowania

  • Author: Krystyna M. Błeszyńska
  • Institution: Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 42-54
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.03
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12103.pdf

Globalization processes stimulate the emerging of new cultural borderlands including, among many others, cyberspace and global cites. They create complex socio-cultural spaces of participation which can be described in the categories of diversity, instability, hybridity and creolization as well as multiple forms, ways, contents and institutions of socialization. The aforementioned changes impact the perception of the “place” category, the contemporary meaning, includes not only the physical space but also its history and cultural traditions. They also create new challenges and conditions for the processes of identity forming. Identification with the culturally diverse milieu can support development of the culture borderland identity. In certain conditions there can also be created a culturally uprooted protean identity or be neo-tribal identity of a bulwark defender. The above – mentioned processes and phenomena challenge contemporary education by creating new chances as well as jeopardizing socialization of youth.

socialization socjalizacja pogranicze wychowanie globalizacja Education Borderland globalization

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Edukacja międzykulturowa w procesie wspierania rozwoju tożsamości w warunkach wielokulturowości

  • Author: Jerzy Nikitorowicz
  • Institution: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 55-68
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.04
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12104.pdf

The author presents activities of intercultural education that support the development of the identity of a modern man functioning in the conditions of multiculturalism. He analyzes three areas of intercultural education. The first, associated with the acceptance and giving meaning to inherited culture. The second one, focused on the development of individual identity, shaping the sense of freedom and responsibility for self-development in the process of learning about one’s culture and other cultures. The third is about shaping attitudes towards representatives of other cultures, awareness of universal values and acquiring dialogic skills in the numerous offers of the global world.

kultura edukacja międzykulturowa intercultural education identity tożsamość wielokulturowość culture multiculturalism

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Komunikacja społeczna a standard wielokulturowości. Hybrydalne artefakty w kulturze

  • Author: Dorota Misiejuk
  • Institution: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 69-84
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.05
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12105.pdf

Communicating as a process requires referring to the space of social communication, which I understand as the assumptions of the sense of communication symbols. Hybridity as a phenomenon in culture is on one hand a social fact, the effect of globalization processes, on the other it becomes a challenge in the process of educational narrative. Maintaining continuity and cohesion in culture in the face of the problem of hybridity and building communication capable of taking up this challenge seems to be an important consideration also (and perhaps above all) in the field of pedagogy. Multiculturalism as an idea, if it were to become a social principle, requires a debate of competent interlocutors. Hence the need to reflect on the communicative competence of the units of the multiculturalism standard.

pedagogical message hybrydalność przekaz pedagogiczny komunikacja hybridity wielokulturowość communication multiculturalism

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Wielowymiarowe poczucie tożsamości społeczno-kulturowej. Idea i badanie. Perspektywa pedagogiczna

  • Author: Mirosław Sobecki
  • Institution: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 85-103
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.06
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12106.pdf

The article concerns an important aspect of the sociocultural identity which is the self-identification of an individual as a member of the community. The author stress es the importance of the profile description of an individual’s sociocultural identity. He emphasizes the need of joint analysis of the four most important areas of macrocultural identification: euro_global, national, religious and regional. The text is concluded with a methodological proposal for the diagnosis of an individual’s sociocultural identification profile.

socio-cultural profile of the identification self-identification profil identyfikacji społeczno-kulturowej autoidentyfikacja społecznokulturowa tożsamość edukacja międzykulturowa intercultural education identity

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Idea zrównoważonego rozwoju w kształceniu studentów kierunków nauczycielskich

  • Author: Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 104–125
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.07
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12107.pdf

Contemporary neoliberal reality with clear and unambiguous rules of actions imposes tough social inter-dependences and obligations. At the same time, commonly present mainstream tendency to weaken interpersonal relations, to doubt in senses and meanings, and to accept each behaviour without the possibility to formulate personal attitude towards it, has led to total mess in human life. An unbalanced man hardly manages to exist in all devastated dimensions of his world: social, cultural, environmental and economical. The need to turn back and to reach the sustainable level of life becomes more and more clear. The route to sustainability needs ambitious, common and responsible education. The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development was the first global project. Now we should undertake activities presented in Global Action Plan. To make that immense plan become real we need properly and thoroughly prepared school teachers and academics. Pre-service and in-service teacher development becomes a global issue. Contemporary vocational obligations and expectations formulated towards that group of professionals considerably inhibit the process of change. That is why, the diagnosis of global pedeutological problems and tendencies is one of the most important steps for preparing a better plan to work with Polish teachers. The paper presents possible ways to work with students – future teachers – to develop sustainable awareness and attitudes, derived from proper knowledge and skills. Project X is one of the most interesting and inspiring educational tools. Basing on Polish primary and secondary curriculum, students of the University of Lodz learn how to think in sustainable manner, and how to join knowledge and skills from various schools subjects to build a holistic educational message.

Project X problems with implementation of sustainability in pre- and in-service teacher education teacher education and vocational training of university and school teachers education for sustainable development Projekt X problemy z implementacją idei zrównoważenia w przygotowaniu i rozwoju zawodowym nauczycieli kształcenie i doskonalenie nauczycieli akademickich i szkolnych edukacja na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju

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Kultura szkoły stymulująca kształtowanie uczącej się wspólnoty

  • Author: Agata Cudowska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 129–141
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.08
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12108.pdf

The article presents the concept of community as a sociological category, there are various ways to define it, the importance of sentiment, moral order, identification and contact in its meaning is emphasized. A learning community is identified as a group of people in contact with each other, having a sense of bond, awareness of their own identity and individuality, as well as experiencing mutual support, recognition and belonging. The determinants of the process of shaping such a community in the school are indicated and the focus is on school-related factors. The teacher’s role in creating a school culture conducive to creating a learning community is emphasized. The teacher’s knowledge and skills, his personal characteristics and attitude to life are emphasized, as well as the teacher’s motivation for continuous learning, self-reflection and self-evaluation of everyday practice. As a result of the analysis, it is found that the creation of a learning community at school is fostered by the culture of cooperation, dialogue and creativity, and at the same time this type of organizational culture can be influenced by the learning community.

teacher’s role learning community rola nauczyciela ucząca się wspólnota wspólnota organizational culture kultura organizacyjna community

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Edukacja wspierająca rozwój młodzieży i jej uwarunkowania – raport z badań na pograniczu południowym

  • Author: Alina Szczurek-Boruta
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 142–158
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.09
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12109.pdf

The undertaken study is aimed at presenting the knowledge and research experiences concerning developmental tasks and the borderland, as well as stimulating the discussion which might result in a more conscious approach and application of these categories in the context of pedagogy. The author presents a report from some studies conducted in the Southern borderland. The text becomes a part of the debate on the tasks of pedagogy – the education aimed at supporting the development of youth. The research into fulfilling developmental tasks, shaping youth’s identity and its many determinants constitute an important field of pedagogy. These studies enable the recognition of the real barriers for individual development in the social and cultural dimension, as well as the efficient or inefficient strategies of overcoming them.

developmental tasks zadania rozwojowe pogranicze edukacja tożsamość młodzież Education Borderland identity

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Szkoła jako przestrzeń współpracy i otwartości wobec dziecka z rzadką chorobą genetyczną

  • Author: Urszula Klajmon-Lech
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 159–170
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.10
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12110.pdf

The aim of the article was to present the main problems related to the functioning of a child with a rare disease at school and to show the forms of support for the child and his family offered by the school. In the text, I present the results of research carried out using the method of narrative interview among parents of children with a rare genetic disease. Respondents present difficult choices related to the choice of school and frequent changes of educational facilities for their children. They also show positive examples of support provided to the child by the school and educators. Parents appreciate that the teachers establish a subjective relationship with the child and parents, provide the child with proper care during classes, innovate in teaching and the attitude of openness that is passed on to the school community.

child with a rare disease wsparcie dziecko z rzadką chorobą rodzina szkoła school family Support

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Od zaangażowanego uczestnictwa do biernego krytykanctwa. Aktywność, oceny i opinie nauczycieli z pogranicza polsko-czeskiego

  • Author: Anna Szafrańska
  • Institution: Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 171–183
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.11
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12111.pdf

The cyclic survey, carried out on a representative group of Poles, indicate some changes taking place in the Polish society – what has changed is Poles’ attitude to their own activity which brings no profit but is of general social significance. With no doubt, growing social engagement is a positive phenomenon. The issue which the author has explored for years is the activity and engagement of teachers – especially those inhabiting the Polish-Czech borderland. Borderland is a space which enhances intensive activity and engagement. Transfrontier activities are largely addressed to schools and teachers and the cooperation in the examined area of the southern borderland is very intensive. The research was inspired by earlier projects addressed to teachers on both sides of the border. Its aim was to find out whether the views of teachers engaged in projects are close to the views shared by a broader, representative group of school workers. The obtained empirical data were processed with the use of statistical methods: for testing the statistical significance of differences between variables the chi-square test (χ2) was used, and for measuring the intensity of the relation between variables – Cramer’s V coefficient (0 ≤ V ≤ 1). The research focus was on the surveyed teachers’ activeness concerning both the participation in transfrontier projects and the search for knowledge of the neighbours. The research was also aimed at finding out how the teachers evaluate the activeness, in the field of establishing closer contacts between Poles and Czechs, of other subjects – politicians of all levels and educational institutions or associations. The analyses of the research results concerning this issue reveal the respondents’ strong criticism. It seems worth mentioning, that the respondents themselves present little interest in the activities aimed at establishing closer Polish-Czech contacts.

critical evaluation politicians transfrontier projects krytyczna ocena politycy zaangażowanie projekty transgraniczne nauczyciel pogranicze engagement Borderland

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Kompetencje społeczne i międzykulturowe nauczycieli i pedagogów w świetle badań własnych

  • Author: Mariola Badowska
  • Institution: Akademia Humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora w Pułtusku
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 184–200
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.12
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12112.pdf

School is the basic institution introducing into the world of civic values and shaping prosocial attitudes and behaviors. Properly shaped social and intercultural competences are essential for proper functioning in everyday life, which is why in the education process they should be constantly developed and concern both teachers and students. By taking an active part in the mutual learning process, individual individuals can become citizens of the world with high competences. In addition to theoretical considerations regarding the desirable competences of teachers and educators working in a multicultural classroom, the article presents statements of representatives of the pedagogical group allowing to estimate their social and intercultural competences and their self-esteem in this regard.

educator intercultural competences social competences pedagog kompetencje międzykulturowe kompetencje społeczne nauczyciel edukacja Education teacher

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Animacja społeczno-kulturalna w środowisku zróżnicowanym etnicznie i kulturowo

  • Author: Edward Nycz
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 201–217
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.13
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12113.pdf

The article presents the problem area of animation as a pedagogical method of working in the environment which is differentiated as regards its social, cultural and regional aspects. The environmental diagnosis is meant to identify local capitals which can offer support for a group of animators participating in the socio-cultural project, whose goal was activation of the examined local community. The author shows the role of the institution of culture functioning in the region of cultural and ethnic frontier in the social reception.

socio-cultural transformations cultural-educational work institution of culture ethnic differentiation local community animation zmiany społeczno-kulturowe praca kulturalno-oświatowa instytucja kultury zróżnicowanie etniczne społeczność lokalna animacja

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Edukacja międzykulturowa w przedszkolu – raport z badań nauczycieli

  • Author: Anna Twardzik
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 218–230
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.14
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12114.pdf

In the article the author stresses importance of including intercultural education content into kindergarten education and presents examples of positive results brought by teachers’ actions in this field. The author formulates and empirically verifies the thesis that implementation of intercultural education in kindergarten positively affects the development of social competences of children, improves their relations with peers and arouses in a child the will to get to know himself/herself and others.

young child’s education kindergarten edukacja małego dziecka przedszkole edukacja międzykulturowa intercultural education

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Kulturowe cele rozwoju naukowego. Misja uniwersytetu w koncepcji José Ortegi y Gasseta

  • Author: Jarosław Charchuła
  • Institution: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 231–243
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.15
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12115.pdf

The article deals with the important issue of defining the role and place of the university in the contemporary world. Globalization processes force far-reaching changes in social institutions, universities are also not free of them, so it is necessary to re-read the university’s mission in the context of current cultural changes. The inspiration for the conducted analyzes are the assumptions of the social theory developed by one of the most versatile thinkers of the twentieth century – José Ortega y Gasset.
Using the analytical-synthetic method as well as the historical-comparative method, the topicality of the main assumptions formulated by Ortega y Gasset was demonstrated. Among them, the most important place is occupied by the postulates regarding the proper definition of the university mission. The basic thesis is the distinction between science and culture. While modern culture draws heavily on science – mainly technical and natural sciences – it is important to distinguish these two areas, giving decisive priority to culture. From this main assumption comes a number of logical consequences related to the necessary amendments to the university education profile. The general preparation of a humanistic profile, which is not only an introduction to the social reality but a sensitization to higher values, should definitely have greater significance. The education of professionals – specialists in narrow fields – can not be deprived of a broader reference to the cultural context. The University will properly implement its mission if, in addition to professional preparation, it will be able to prepare its graduates to live with others in the society.

university mission mass society José Ortega y Gasset misja uniwersytetu społeczeństwo masowe nauka kultura Science culture

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Tadeusz Lewowicki, Alina Szczurek-Boruta, Anna Szafrańska, Sfery życia duchowego dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych – studium z pogranicza polsko-czeskiego, t. 4: O nauczycielach, ich spostrzeganiu świata społecznego i aktywności, Toruń 2017, Wydawnictwo Adam

  • Author: Katarzyna Jas
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach.
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 258–260
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.03.17
  • PDF: kie/121/kie12117.pdf



recenzja Review

Noty o autorach

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 261–262
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/121/kie121auth.pdf


  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-6
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/122/kie122toc.pdf



Publikacja “Kultura i Edukacja” w języku angielskim, udostępnienie wersji cyfrowej w wolnym dostępie i zabezpieczenie oryginalności publikacji zgodne ze standardem COPE – zadania finansowane w ramach umowy 853/P-DUNdem/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Public Reforms of Swedish Upper Secondary Education, 1991–2017

  • Author: Staffan Kling
  • Institution: University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0557-2027
  • Author: Iwona Sobis
  • Institution: University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0196-8454
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-39
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.01
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12201.pdf

This article focuses on the Swedish reforms of upper secondary schools and their effects during the period of 1991–2017. The reforms were conducted in the spirit of New Public Management (NPM) and generated many more problems than solutions. The purpose of this article is to prepare a foundation for further research by mapping: What do we know about the NPM reforms within the Swedish upper secondary schools? What kind of knowledge is still missing and should it be developed? With the assistance of Roland Almqvist’s (2006) understanding for the NPM movement divided into three theoretical perspectives (marketization, contract management, and decentralization), we propose a literature study.
This study showed that the Swedish reforms of the upper secondary schools contributed to growing social segregation among students, students’ decreasing performance in science, reading and mathematics that proved to be under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average, and teachers experienced a lack of autonomy and de-professionalization. The political promises about “school for all” and “social inclusion” either were not fulfilled or the reform effects were not investigated well enough. Despite all research being done, we do not know what kind of Swedish upper secondary school represents a good practice for the future.

teachers’ de-professionalization students’ performance segregation decentralization and control contract privatization upper secondary schools public reform competition

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The Need for Cognition and Meta-learning Competence among Students of Teacher Education at the University Level

  • Author: Janina Uszyńska-Jarmoc
  • Institution: University of Bialystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9078-5096
  • Author: Beata Kunat
  • Institution: University of Bialystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5205-1366
  • Author: Monika Żak-Skalimowska
  • Institution: University of Bialystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0235-782
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 40-62
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.02
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12202.pdf

Cognition and meta-learning competencies are important elements in teacher education programs. The research presented was aimed at discovering the link between the need for cognition and meta-learning competence. The research sample comprised 250 students of teacher education in their first-year of study for the degree of licencjat (Bachelor’s equivalent) and magister (Master’s equivalent). Research findings demonstrate the existence of 1) a correlation between the students’ need for cognition and their meta-learning competence, 2) differences between students at the Bachelor’s and Master’s level of education with regard to their expressed need for cognition and meta-learning competence (including subcomponents of the latter) which suggests that these needs and competencies develop over the course of their university education.

teacher education motivation need for cognition metacognition competence of meta-learning

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Two Cultures of Inclusive Education of Learners with Disabilities as Two Borderland Cultures

  • Author: Zenon Gajdzica
  • Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6329-411X
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 63-76
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.03
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12203.pdf

Two currents of educational inclusion have been discussed in this study. The first one is built on the transformations of special education and constitutes the evolution of its basic assumptions. The second is viewed as the deconstruction of special education, it cuts off its traditions and its elaborated concepts. The thesis is put forward here that both currents can be described and explained with the use of the concept of cultural borderlands. The assumption is made that the space of inclusive school constitutes a certain borderland territory, where cultures get in touch. In the discussed case, this pertains to the dominating culture of full ability and the dominated culture of disability, as well as to the traditions of special education and mainstream (open access) education. Depending on the applied and fulfilled assumptions, these cultures differentiate the foundations of the discussed currents in inclusion. The hidden or explicit dimensions of the clashing, coexistence and integration of these cultures can be noticed, interpreted and understood by placing them in basic (due to the limited framework of this study – here: simplified) concepts of borderlands, elaborated within sociology and multicultural education. What is also assumed here is that no awareness of differences in understanding the cultures of inclusion leads to incommensurable methodological assumptions, which substantially undermines the organization of inclusive education in practice. The study is aimed not only at describing the assumptions of two currents of educational inclusion of learners with disability, but also at generating the awareness of the consequences of their theoretical assumptions in the daily routine at school.
In the first part of the text, the basic assumptions of school culture are characterized, with special regard to the culture of inclusive school. Then, the two currents of educational inclusion are described and confronted with the basic premises of borderland cultures. The whole is completed with the final conclusion concerning educational practice.

Borderland culture of inclusive education learner with disability

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Relations between Conspicuous Consumption and Materialism

  • Author: Małgorzata Niesiobędzka
  • Institution: University of Bialystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4303-5361
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 77-93
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.04
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12204.pdf

The research focuses on relationships between conspicuous consumption and materialism. Contrary to previous studies, here conspicuous consumption is seen as an individual trait rather than as an attitude. The purpose of the research was twofold: to establish to what extent are a) success, centrality, happiness, and b) the importance and the attainment of wealth, popularity and image responsible for conspicuous consumption. Two studies were conducted. Materialism was measured using the MVS (Richins, 2004) in study 1 (N = 80), and the Aspiration Index (Kasser & Ryan, 1996) in study 2 (N = 169). In both studies, the measure of the propensity to conspicuous consumption was the same: The Conspicuous Consumption Orientation Scale (CCO) (Chaudhuri, Mazumdar, & Ghoshal, 2011). The obtained data demonstrated that the propensity to conspicuous consumption was significantly related to only two dimensions of materialism – success and centrality. Furthermore, the results showed that while the importance of financial success and popularity enhanced the propensity to conspicuous consumption, attainment of financial and popularity aspirations had no impact on the propensity to conspicuous consumption. In turn, image (both its importance and its attainment) was a significant positive predictor of the propensity to conspicuous consumption. The research findings suggest that the crucial materialistic drivers of the propensity to conspicuous consumption are: the belief that success is closely connected with ownership; the conviction that owning and acquiring are the primary life goals; and the need to have a socially admired image.

conspicuous consumption innate trait materialism materialistic aspirations

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Prejudices behind Algorithms: Automated Surveillance Systems as Tools of Segregation and Discrimination

  • Author: Maciej Gurtowski
  • Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2990-9088
  • Author: Jan Waszewski
  • Institution: War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7370-3714
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 94-109
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.05
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12205.pdf

The aim of this paper is to describe the emerging phenomenon of new racism brought by the development of automated surveillance tools. We would like to show that this new system of discrimination is a byproduct of some general transformations in the field of social control. For this purpose, we will refer to invisible hand type of explanation, and the concept of perverse effect in particular. We will also relate widely to some cases and concepts from the “new surveillance” and social control literature and we will try to summarize it.

Big Data data doubles dataveillance invisible hand new surveillance perverse effect racism surveillant assemblages

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The Importance of Creativity in School Culture

  • Author: Agata Cudowska
  • Institution: University of Białystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5035-2985
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 110-122
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.06
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12206.pdf

The aim of the article is to indicate the need to develop the culture of creativity in schools in order to enable the participants of educational dialogue to fulfil their personal creativity that will help them reach their potential and improve the common good in their community. The article defines the culture of creativity, describes creativity as a personal quality and indicates its importance in the functioning of students and teachers, as well as in the work of school as an organisation. Emphasis is placed on the need to personalise the processes of education, i.e., to accept the innate abilities, creative potential and multiple intelligences of learners, and to enable them to pursue their interests and develop their strengths. The article indicates the need for creating the environment which supports learners’ natural ability to learn and building learning power, which is based on the notion of helping young people to become better learners, cultivating attitudes that enable them to cope with difficulties calmly, confidently and creatively, as well as helping them to build up the mental, emotional, social and strategic resources. Furthermore, the article presents the assumptions of everyday creativity theory, which constitute the fundament of author’s creative life orientations concept. The importance of creative life orientations of teachers and students is shown as necessary for building the culture of creativity in school. The range, character and generalised results of the study on preferences for creative life orientations among teachers are briefly presented, indicating a low level of acceptance for this type of orientation and the dominance of preference for conservative and ambivalent orientations. The role of the teacher’s pedagogical creativity is emphasised as necessary for creating conditions for learner’s creativity and building the culture of creativity in school. Additionally, the article puts emphasis on the need for social acceptance for everyday creativity and acknowledging personal creativity as a value, appreciating it in public sphere, demonstrating its emancipatory value and emphasising its axiological dimension.

creativity everyday creativity learning power creative life orientations the culture of creativity

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The Polish-Chinese Economic Intensification in the Context of Legal Education: Selected Aspects

  • Author: Jakub Ali Farhan
  • Institution: University of Białystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3360-1553
  • Author: Marcin Łukowski
  • Institution: University of Białystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9819-6296
  • Author: Maciej Perkowski
  • Institution: University of Białystok, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3909-3967
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-135
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.07
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12207.pdf

The One Belt One Road initiative and overall intensification of Polish-Chinese trade relations need to be reflected in the field of legal education. For this reason, the paper compares the legal education systems in Poland and China, as well as it presents the main goals of the One Belt One Road project, summarizing the mutual business environments and describing the main challenges associated with them. The Authors also attempt to outline potential directions to be followed in legal education in the context of potential benefits to be derived from the initiative and propose possible solutions to achieve this aim.

Poland China One Belt One Road legal education Law trade relations

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Image of an Early School Education Teacher in the Eyes of the Third Grade Pupils – Research Report

  • Author: Barbara Grabowska
  • Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2558-0294
  • Author: Mirosława Parlak
  • Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5177-6728
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 136-146
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.08
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12208.pdf

The article presents findings on the image of a teacher in primary school described by the 3rd grade pupils. The research analysis clearly indicates that according to the children, in early education the image of a teacher is positive. The majority of the test children group indicate favourable features, like kindness, calm, pleasant behaviour, goodness, justice, wisdom, intelligence. First of all, the children recognize the advantages of a teacher, although smart and sensible children – the ones that the 3rd grade pupils definitely are – can also notice negative features, disadvantages, for instance: loudness, nervousness, injustice. The children can recognize personal, didactic, and educational features, as well as intellectual and external ones. Many of the feature groups mentioned above are listed. The pupils declare that the issue which was the core of the research is very important for them.

teacher of early school education pupils of early years of primary school teacher’s features

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The Potential of Emic Perspective in the Qualitative Inspections of Everyday Life

  • Author: Justyna Pilarska
  • Institution: University of Wroclaw, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5646-597X
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-163
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.09
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12209.pdf

These reflections tackle a specific understanding of researching everyday life, which presents itself as a methodological demand, i.e., as a constitutive element of the new forms of inquiry. Consequently, the discourses revolve around the specificity of the anthropology of everyday life, as seen from various angles entailing third wave of sociology, cultural anthropology, and symbolic interactionism. It also elaborates on the methodological issues encompassing idiographic, emic characteristics of a qualitative inquiry that with relation to everyday life can provide a useful and cognitively attractive tool of reconstructing the world of different cultural groups.

qualitative research anthropology of everyday life emic strategy participant observation

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Educational Space of a Learner with Disability in the Context of Infrahumanization of “Outgroups”

  • Author: Magdalena Bełza-Gajdzica
  • Institution: University of Silesia, Cieszyn, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1316-6689
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 164-174
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.10
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12210.pdf

The study is aimed at presenting the educational space of a disabled learner within the category of infrahumanization – social categorizing into “ingroups” and “outgroups”. The presented issues comprise educational space, three functioning forms of education, the phenomenon of infrahumanization and the common group identity. Disabled learners’ functioning within a class is presented in: mainstream school (where the dominating group consists of learners without disabilities), integrated school (where categorization of learners is shaped in the way offering more chances to the disabled), and special school (a segregation-based form). Two dimensions of the discussed phenomenon of infrahumanization are indicated – heterogeneousness, which enhances attitudes of acceptance and understanding within a class group (micro-dimension) and its more serious social consequences (macro-dimension).

educational space disabled learner infrahumanization relations group domination

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Career Prospects of Near-to-leave-university Students

  • Author: Anna Turowska
  • Institution: University of Warsaw, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9115-9812
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 175-189
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.11
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12211.pdf

The study focused on career of young educated adults in Poland. Professional expectations of the people completing university studies in Poland were compared with the needs of the labour market. Potential willingness to change job and workplace was presented. A tendency to start own business by the young educated Poles, as well as taking additional course of study in order to secure one’s professional future was also analyzed.

university graduates job mobility spatial mobility professional career labour market perception

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Radio as a Transmitter of Culture-specific Knowledge in the Age of Edutainment

  • Author: Karolina Albińska
  • Institution: University of Łódź, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7372-4526
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 190-205
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.12
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12212.pdf

Considering that the acquisition of culture-specific knowledge through listening to the radio is possible in the era of globalization and media convergence, this article analyses the topic of basic mass media functions and shows them through the prism of their hybridization. In consequence, it demonstrates the cultural role of modern radio but in the context of the edutainment approach. As a key example to discuss this issue serves the long-term cooperation between Fun Kids radio and the Polish Cultural Institute in London that has resulted in three radio series: “Where in the World? Poland!”, “Learn Polish!”, and “Robot’s Polish Power Pack”. Referring to them, the text explores how educational and entertaining functions of radio programmes may be combined to deliver content that inspires and engages young listeners as well as nurtures cultural ties between the UK and Poland, which is especially important nowadays, in the face of Brexit. The methodological framework of this study is mainly a subjective literature review. However, the theoretical analysis is extended with a case study that is based on the radio report provided by the Fun Kids radio manager, observations of contemporary mediasphere as well as a personal examination of episodes of selected radio broadcasts.

radio edutainment hybridization of media functions culture-specific knowledge broadcasts for children

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Ethical Aspects of the Conscience Clause in Polish Medical Law

  • Author: Justyna Czekajewska
  • Institution: Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2833-8815
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 206-220
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2018.04.13
  • PDF: kie/122/kie12213.pdf

In Polish medical law, the conscience clause is understood as both a moral and legal norm which gives consent to selected medical professions (doctors, nurses, midwives, and laboratory technicians) to withdraw certain activities due to ethical objections.
The explanation given for the conscience clause is not sufficient. There is no detailed information on the difference between compulsory and authorized benefits and the conditions for resignation from medical treatment. These problems not only lead to interpretational errors, but also to the abuse of law. Medical attorneys, among others, Andrzej Zoll, Mirosław Nesterowicz, Leszek Bosek and Eleonora Zielińska, present different opinions on the understanding of refusal to perform health care services by health care workers, and the lack of agreement leads to conflicts.
In this article, I compare the views of ethicists and lawyers on the conscience clause. I present differences in the interpretation of medical law, and to all considerations I add my own opinion.

conscience clause abortion doctor patient’s rights medical deontology ethics

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Notes on Authors

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 221-223
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kie/122/kie122auth.pdf

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notes on authors

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