Student Spatial Practices and the Transformation of Private Space in Relation to Remote University Education
- Institution: University of Białystok
- Institution: University of Białystok
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 25-39
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/132/kie13202.pdf
The article presents an analysis of the transformations in private space and spatial practices manifested by students in connection with long-term online university education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The text includes a presentation of the results of a series of four focus group interviews carried out in 2021 via Zoom platform with students drawn from a few Polish colleges. The research sample was diversified in terms of gender, field of study, type of college, and mode of study. The research suggests key dimensions shaping the experience of remote university study: the spatial dimension, technological dimension and the organisational-educational dimension. Four basic kinds of student experiences are presented as well. The analyses also include a description of spatial practices such as: changing or adapting space for remote university education, negotiating spatial boundaries and attempts to ameliorate conflicts resulting from the interaction of diverse social roles and institutional orders in the same domestic space.
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spatial practices private space remote education university students