Symbols of Fear in the Studies of Drawings by Polish and Turkish Children
- Institution: University of Opole
- Institution: University of Kırşehir Ahi Evran
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 172-185
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/132/kie13212.pdf
The authors present results of their studies dealing with symbols of fear identified in drawings made by Polish and Turkish children. The studies consisted in comparing results with regard to the categories and content of symbols recognized in the drawings presented by younger school-age children of the two nationalities. For the needs of the comparative analysis the following questions were formulated: In what way did the children present their fears in their drawings? How can the similarities in the symbols of fear presented in the drawings by Polish and Turkish children be interpreted? What do the observed differences testify to? Comparison of the symbols of fear allowed recognizing the similarities and differences occurring in the drawings produced by the examined children. It was found that the largest number of drawings present a symbol of fear connected with the category of animals. While interpreting the results, the authors accepted the thesis that the grasped similarities relating to the manner of presenting fear result from the common history of man, recorded in archetypes and symbols. On the other hand, the observed differences are connected with the tradition present in each of the cultures.
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fear archetypes children’s drawings symbols of fear younger school age children