Niekończące się śniadanie. Telewizja jako hipertekst

  • Author: Tomasz Kozłowski
  • Institution: Collegium Da Vinci w Poznaniu
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11-26
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/109/kie10901.pdf

The present article concerns the issue of transferring practices typical for the Internet hypertext onto the ground of TV media. Evolution of TV transfer is characterized by increasing tendency to “downlink” other places in the info-sphere, placing references to numerous previews, pointing out other sources. All this contributes to the fact that TV may be perceived as next - apart from the Internet - medium of network nature. A substantial part in this process is played by the celebrities, who constitute a kind of core, around which all remaining elements of medial network are arranged. However, the process of “networking” TV is far more than purely marketing strategy of creating the most attractive message possible. It constitutes the reflection of the way human brain works, which prefers the analysis of cut and separated, out-of-context messages to longer and more subtle ones.


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Web 2.0 media tabloid celebrity hypertext net television internet

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