Kategoria duchowości - ślady obecności w tekstach J.J. Rousseau, J.H. Pestalozziego i J.F. Herbarta

  • Author: Marta Znaniecka
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Gdański
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 72-91
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2015.03.04
  • PDF: kie/109/kie10904.pdf

This article provides an analysis of the category of spirituality found in the texts of classical pedagogues such as: J.J. Rousseau, J.H. Pestalozzi and J.F. Herbart. Spirituality appears in these texts in the sense of morality and its varieties such as the heart, the inner life, but also the mental horizon. This way of understanding spirituality traditionally has belonged to religious context and is particularly visible in herbartian pedagogy. In the texts of Rousseau and Pestalozzi there is a belief that institutionalized religion called to be representative of morality is not fulfilling its role properly. Therefore, they establish the higher instance of religion - noninstitutional, personal, internal, involving an independent search for meaning in life. What attracts particular attention is the fact that despite the high rank given to the thread of morality/spirituality by presented here authors, this issue remains the “fuzzy” concept and lacks of detailed indications as to the ways of its implementation. This ambiguity, which operates poetic language and the lack of specific references of a practical nature, seems to be one of the causes acting on behalf of the exclusion of spirituality from the educational impact. This analysis is the first stage of the theoretical description of spirituality, which in the field of pedagogy is very fragmented, ambiguous, and thus difficult to undergo pedagogical reflection. It is also a step towards “disenchantment” of the analyzed category, by which I mean the process of rational and critical overview of spirituality; this in turn paves the way for realizing the sense that I find in making the category of spirituality useful for pedagogy: undergoing reflection and being translated into educational practice.


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history of pedagogy morality religiosity spirituality

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