Francisa Bacona interpretacja Księgi Daniela i milenarystyczne nadzieje
- Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 92-109
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/109/kie10905.pdf
Apart from methodology of science, Francis Bacon is usually associated with secularism. According to secular interpretations, Bacon’s major purpose was to substitute a political concept of hope for a Christian one by formulating an infallible researching method and depicting a political utopia based on scientific and technological achievements. Recently, however, scholars increasingly read Bacon’s works in the context of 16th and 17th century religious discourse. By evoking this new interpretational attitude, the article derives Bacon’s scientific ideas and the utopia from millenarian hopes. Millenarism is an eschatological doctrine according to which the salvation foretold in the Scriptures will have also an earthly, temporal dimension. Bacon interprets the Bible and historical events in order to prove that at the beginning of 17th century the prophecy included in the Book of Daniel and concerning the Kingdom of God on earth came into being. According to Bacon, there were four sings indicating the realisation of the prophecy: the reformation, geographical discoveries, the development of arts, and emerging of the British Empire.
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Francis Bacon millenarism the Book of Daniel virtue of hope early modern idea of progress history of early modern Great Britain