Ideały wychowania taoistycznego w kontekście założeń i kierunków pedagogiki zachodniej

  • Author: Paweł Zieliński
  • Institution: Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 110-131
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/109/kie10906.pdf

An important objective of this article is to enrich the heritage of Polish education regarding knowledge of traditional purposes of education, especially the Taoist one. In addition, the author resolves the problem related to the occurrence of the main antinomy between Western pedagogy, which is individualistic and collectivist approaches in education, also visible in the Far East model of education. Main goal of this article is to enable a better understanding of the ideas and ideals of education contained in the Far Eastern philosophical and religious systems. The author is also looking for relationships and common education values in consideration currents Taoism and western directions pedagogy, in order to create a basis for dialogue and common understanding. By referring to the hermeneutic reconstruction and comparative studies, author represents the ideals of education in the mainstream of philosophical Taoism, as a true man - zhenren and related categories: dao, de, wuwei, pu and ziran. He analyzed the work assigned to Laozi, Zhuangzi, Liezi and other Taoists. The author also presents the ideals of mainstream education in the form of religious Taoism changsheng busi - physical immortality and neidan purposes, as well as Taoist principles of moral conduct. He takes into consideration the contribution of Li Shaojun, Wang Chunyang, Zhang Boduan and religious schools of Taoism. From the author’s research you can find out that the ideals of education Taoist both analyzed trends are often very similar, moreover - identical with the ideals of education in Mahayana Buddhism and have a lot in common with Western pedagogical directions. These are compounds with naturalism pedagogical, cultural pedagogy, psychology and pedagogy humanist Carl R. Rogers and other trends of humanistic education like Gestalt pedagogy, in addition to personalistic pedagogy and existential pedagogy, ecological pedagogy and many others. Author’s interpretation of Taoist ideals departs from previous positions, in which Taoism was rejecting the importance of the role of society in human development.


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Far East religious and philosophical systems humanistic education culture pedagogy zhenren Zhuangzi Laozi Taoism ideal of education

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