What money can’t buy – nieodbyta debata

  • Author: Maria Nawojczyk
  • Institution: AGH w Krakowie
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 107-119
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2014.04.08
  • PDF: kie/104/kie10408.pdf

The dominant paradigm for a number of decades of neo-liberal economy has not signifi cantly weakened even times of economic crises referred to as the largest since the Great Depression. Moreover, for a long time we were witnessing the moving logic of economic activities to other spheres of social life. The process of marketization of the public sphere is constantly progressing. It should, therefore, take the debate over its reach and impact on the functioning of the community. We need to ask yourself a number of questions, the answers to which will be crucial for our life as a community. These questions about the moral, ethical and social boundaries of the market put in a rather provocative way Michael Sandel. Adopting a broader debate over them is essential, because the important aspects of our existence both in terms of individual and as a community will really on that. Does the knowledge, information, our body, clean air, access to education, to health care are goods? Are they subject to the rules of supply and demand? Is the market mechanism the best way to distribute them? Is there a legitimate way? Answers to these questions should not be limited to the discourse of the efficiency measure, which sometimes seems to dominate public discourse and especially political. This discourse should be conducted in relation to the concept of social justice and equality as marketization processes inevitably lead to the emergence of new dividing lines and the growing social inequality. This current refl ection on society was constantly present in publications of Richard Borowicz. These questions he asked yourself and his readers for a long time. It is a pity, that now he is not able to participate directly in this discourse.


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marketization of the public sphere the commodification of education social justice inequality in access Michael Sandel Ryszard Borowicz

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