Postawy hip-hopowców wobec własnej podkultury. W jaki sposób widzą siebie hip-hopowcy?

  • Author: Marcin Szulc
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Gdański
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 313-339
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kie/103/kie10316.pdf

This article attempts to answer the questions: how hip-hop subculture participants perceive their own environment, how to refer to the stereotypes about themselves and what values they most identify with. Author’s interest in the subject stems from the mnearly 20-year presence in hip-hop in Poland and everyday and abusive relationships often convinced of hip-hop to the areas of social pathology. The study involved 60 people who identify with the subculture of hip-hop teenagers aged 16 – 18 years in the majority of high school students. The research method was a structured interview. The results show an interesting and internally varied image of hip-hop subculture. Interesting may be differences in views on the environment from the perspective of respondents gender. Girls look more critically on their own subculture and often admit that the group use drugs and violence occurs. Respondents represent a complex picture of the world highlighting the significance of musical texts in the description of their reality. Participants evaluate their own subculture rather as a happy people, with life goals related to the plans of other ordinary teenagers. Everyone in hip-hop subculture express aversion to the police and presenting its own internal code of conduct and values. They are reluctant to paint graffiti on monuments, but didn’t bother of destruction the facade of other buildings, and railcars. They have no sense of uniformity required by declaring that hip-hop is not only the dress code, but a lifestyle.


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hip-hop subculture rap music attitudes interpreting qualitative data

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