The Concept of Successful Ageing from the Perspectives of Older Adults: An Empirical Typology
- Institution: Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 215-233
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/136/kie13613.pdf
Purpose: This paper attempts to examine the concept of successful ageing (SA) from the perspectives of older adults. Methods: Data were gathered from 224 persons. The research used a categorized interview and a test as methods of data collection. In order to select the types of subjective definitions of SA, the method of cluster analysis was applied. Results: 5 types of definitions were distinguished: 1) Around 40% of older adults consider the biomedical model to be in line with their idea of good old age, but they also add new components that they consider more important. These are: Living in an environment of loving persons (Type 1 definitions), and Religiousness, Generativity, Relationships with others based on love (Type 4). 2) About 40% of the respondents’ present one-dimensional definitions, with one of the following factors: Family (Type 2), and Religiousness (Type 3). 3) Lack of a precise definition is more often demonstrated in people with low life satisfaction who have been experiencing difficult life situations in recent times. Conclusions: Understanding of SA depends on life satisfaction and the context related to the life situation. Three key words are essential for the definitions: family, activity, religion.
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quality of life older adults late adulthood successful ageing older adults’ learning