Musical Development of Children in a Family Environment from the Research Perspective. Application of Elements of E.E. Gordon’s Music Learning Theory
- Institution: Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 202-215
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/138/kie13812.pdf
The article focuses on the musical interactions of parents with children based on elements of E.E. Gordon’s music learning theory which intensify their musical development in different periods of their life. The individual case method and the interview technique were used in the research. The description of the results was generalised and synthesised by analysing interviews with nine family members. The research showed that almost all parents included intentional and varied activities to support their children’s musical development in the prenatal period. They also undertook them at later stages of their lives. These activities often focused on presenting diverse music in terms of style, dynamics, pace, tonality and meter, moving to it, singing for a child and with a child, and performing tonal and rhythmic patterns. It resulted in a wide variety of musical behaviours in the children, conditioned by their age and stage of musical development. It proves that early musical support is an important foundation for the proper course of this process and further musical education.
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E.E. Gordon’s music learning theory musical development of children in the family from the prenatal to pre-school period children’s musical reactions children’s tonal development children’s rhythmic-motor development