Media społecznościowe – nowa przestrzeń nauki

  • Author: Barbara Cyrek
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 45-56
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: kim/2016_2/kim2016204.pdf

Social Media – the new space of science
Abstract: Internet and modern technologies has introduced permanent changes in many areas of human life. The process of acquiring knowledge does not look today the same as it did few decades ago. The widely understood world of science also has undergone transformations. Virtualization of various aspects of scientific institutions activity, as well as partial migration of scientific researches to the Internet, forced scientists to adapt to the new tools – the new media. The article is an attempt to characterize the presence of science in social media. Social networks are both research field and tool. In this area operate both academic institutions and independent researchers, often young people not affiliated with any university. Social media are both a new tool for institutional communication and also the space of connective and collective work of Internet users, who, under the new social rhetoric of gratuitousness, selflessly promote learning.


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Science social media

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