Design thinking – szansa na innowację w szkołach wyższych
- Institution: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 21-28
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kim/2019_1/kim2019102.pdf
Design thinking - a chance for innovation in higher education institutions
Design thinking as a way of reasoning is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Originated in business and transferred to other areas, it is now being implemented even in education and science. With its four or five steps in the whole process, interdisciplinary teams can solve every problem and find a solution which meets the needs and expectations of the end-users. This approach has also been successfully implemented in higher education institutions and it is through that HEIs are becoming more open and efficient in their cooperation with business, public administration, NGOs and other stakeholders.
- Brown, T. (2013). Zmiana poprzez design. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Libron.
- Kolasa-Nowak, A., Nowakowski, M., Wysocki, A. (red.). (2018). Best Interdisciplinarity-Enhancing Practices at Higher Education Institutions. Lublin. Pobrane z:,15855.htm.
Design Thinking interdisciplinarity creativity higher education teamwork innovation