Praca zespołowa studentów w dużej grupie ćwiczeniowej jako element kształtowania kompetencji społecznych. Dobre praktyki

  • Author: Izabela M. Bogdanowicz
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-78
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: kim/2019_1/kim2019105.pdf

Teamwork in a large student group as an element of shaping competence. Good practices

Teamwork in a large student group as an element of shaping competence. Good practices The competences of many job candidates differ largely from the needs of employers in the labor market-a reality which is currently a significant problem also in Poland. Soft skills, as they are dubbed, are essential for effective interaction and communication in interpersonal relationships and are considered competences of the future. In shaping them the participation of academic teachers plays a special role. The author, being a practitioner, noticed the permanence of the problem in the area of shaping students’ skills in communication and teamwork. During more than a decade of work with students at state and private universities, first-cycle and second-cycle studies, full-time and part-time, the author has developed a comprehensive approach to teamwork guidelines in classes, in a large group (approximately 30 people) within the sphere of interpersonal communication. It worked well in the journalism and media logistics classes supervised by the author. This approach that can be described as good practices has a twofold value: advantage for students when used in university classes and usefulness in work as these competences are valued by the employers. The development of important tenets of team work in a practical group in the context of social competences is presented in tables and indicating typical problems – also in particular time perspectives: at the stage of preparing for classes, in the course of the first and subsequent classes (with the separation of the last ones). It can be 60 Izabela M. Bogdanowicz used as a framework guide, enabling interested academic teachers to prepare their own materials conducive to shaping the competencies desired on the labor market.


Akty prawne, raporty i inne dokumenty

communication competence good practices needs of employers teamwork

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