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Kraków. Miasto uwięzione w historii czy z historii czerpiące?

  • Author: Tadeusz Konrad Grabowski
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Pages: 7-19
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201001
  • PDF: ksm/14/ksm201001.pdf

Cracow The City imprisoned in history or drawing from it?

This article is a synthetic image of Cracow in the years 2003–2007. The metropolis which is the regional and international center, in which social, economical and cultural functions coexist together. The city of great potential ingrained by history. Housing in the countries, which in result of the transformation of systems have entered from the central controlled economy into free market, requires general reforms and changes, which unfortunately do not get social acquiescence. Cracow, as well as other historical cities of the eastern bloc – Vilnius, Bratislava, Leipzig or Prague – has been marked by totalitarianism. The last twenty years can be described as the new beginning of the city. The disproportionate rise of the territorial development, chaotic management of investments, inconvenient industry and gaps in law are at the moment huge problems for the city. The key matter is the renovation of historical districts and by this I do not only mean the Old Town but also old apartment blocks, which need some additional investments in order to change them to modern housing estates. As important is using the potential of postindustrial plots for the future housing needs of the society. The next few years is the time, in which we will learn how well we can handle these problems.

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