Przegląd teorii migracji w świetle współczesnych wyjazdów zarobkowych
- Year of publication: 2010
- Source: Show
- Pages: 104-118
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/14/ksm201009.pdf
An overview of migration theories in the light of current labour-related travels
The article presents an overview of migration theories considering five basic criteria used for dividing the classification of the discussed phenomenon. The concepts of economic, sociological and geographical migration were discus sed in detail. The importance of migration movements in the context of states and societies development was indicated with particular emphasis on labourrelated travels in the aspect of emerging global market. The overview of migration theories indicates a considerable complexity of the problem connected with people’s mobility, shows it multi-aspect character, at the same time signaling positive and negative consequences of the discussed processes. One of the crucial characteristics of the phenomenon is globalization of migration, which causes an increase in the number of countries experiencing this process and these states becoming mainly the sending countries. Globalization makes possible international flow of people and capital which none of the countries is able to control. A growing number of people decides to cross the border and the number of persons having more than one citizenship is also increasing. Numerous persons find employment in international corporations – therefore the difficulties to assign a character of individual group migration to the framework of definite scientific theory.
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