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Gospodarka dworska w kluczu wierzchosławickim w XVII i XVIII wieku. Produkcja roślinna i zwierzęca część 2

  • Author: Andrzej Niedojadło
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 221-235
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201017
  • PDF: ksm/14/ksm201017.pdf

Continuing the economic issues of Wierzchosławice demesne in the following issue of Krakow Historical Studies magazine; garden, orchard and hop cultivation, meadow economy and variety of farming have been discussed. Gardens together with orchards occupied from 0% in Sierachowice to 2,7% in Ostrow that is about 0,88% of the whole dominion. They played the most important role in the economy only in XVI and in the first half of the XVII century. A decrease in that kind of cultivation came in the second half of XVII and in XVIII century although in the second half of XVIII century a slight improvement can be seen. The harvest satisfied mainly the needs of the court officials, less the servants. Rarely it was put on sale. There were several gardens in villages on the Wierzchosławice Grange, situated in various places e.g. behind the cowshed or stable. Gardens, surrounded mainly by lathes and also by fences, were divided into small field called ‘lechy’, ‘leszki’, ‘zagony’, ‘kawałki’. In the XVII and XVIII century the biggest part of the garden was assigned for cabbage farming which was the number one among all vegetables. Sometimes it occupied half of its area and being an important component of the local people’s diet. On second place were carrots. A lot less ground but evenly divided was assigned for onion, parsnip, parsley, poppy and pea together with so called ‘turkish peas’ cultivation.

The smallest in amount were beetroots, horseradish, turnips, radish and cucumbers. A part of carrots, swede and turnips was left for the seeds. The gardens were in care of rural population as the so called ‘daremszczyzna’ (additional benefits of the peasants to the lord), extra work not included in serfdom. Also in the gardens, next to the vegetables, there were also many fruit-trees. Among the fruit-trees dominated mainly pear, cherry, apple and plum trees. Hop played the important role in Wierzchosławice grange and was connected with highly developed brewers industry. Favourable soil conditions were conducive to its cultivation. It was widespread on the loess soils from Niedomice to Tuchow, through Wierzchosławice demesne. A separate issue of faming and cattle farming was meadow cultivation and hay production. Out of 100 morgues production lands meadows occupied from 0% in Sierachowice to 6,2% in Mikołajowice. Grass-lands and bushes occupied form 0% in Sierachowice to 32,3% in Mikołajowice. Often fields allotted to fallow were used as pasture-meadow lands. In Wierzchosławice demesne meadows, mowed twice a year, were in majority. During spring, for some time cattle was grazed on dry meadows. Then after the first mowing, for a short time, the cattle was grazed, and after the second mowing it was grazed till late autumn. In XVII and in XVIII century the condition of the meadows was not very good. The main reason for that was disordered water economics. Peasants were mowing and hay collecting as part of serfdom duties. The worst land, neither good for land or meadows was allotted for pasture therefore the harvest was little. Among the breed animals from the region most important was horned cattle which was broadly exploit. Oxen were rarely kept. Horses were used for draught and riding purposes. In 1675 horned cattle (26 heads) was on last place among other farms of Tarnow County, pigs (29 heads) second place and poultry, that is chickens and geese (30 heads each), was similar as in other farms of Tarnow grange. The manor house kept byre on its own or passed the livestock to the so called ‘pacht’ that is in a tenancy for a particular payment in coin or nature. The presence of cheesecake shows that production of dairy products was very important. Breeding of pigs was mainly set on meat and pork fat production. The main goal of cattle farming was satisfy the needs of the squire, administration and the farm staff. Stock-raising production was rarely put on sale. It had, in order, consumption-manure-market character. Fish farming was the most important only in XV and XVI century. It started to play the less important part in XVII century and then underwent a complete negligence in XVIII century. Only in years 1743–1765 Piotr Wodzicki, Wierchosławice demesne leaseholder made a major contribution to reopening 3 ponds. Honey production, similar to fish farming, played an important role in XVI and XVII century. Around 1650 in the demesne, there was 7 wild be ehives and in 1799 manorial bee yards were present. Obtained honey, only to little extent satisfied the manor’s needs. Stock-raising production was on the second place, after crop production

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