Wyniki ekonomiczne i nakłady inwestycyjne w towarowych gospodarstwach rolnych regionu Małopolska i Pogórze w stosunku do ogółu kraju
- Year of publication: 2010
- Source: Show
- Pages: 252-269
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201019
- PDF: ksm/14/ksm201019.pdf
Agriculture in the southern Poland is economically weaker than agriculture in the other parts of the country. Farms located in the south have apparently smaller areas than the national average. They have also poorer resource base necessary for production. Agricultural input supply and reached economic results translate into investment activity. For a definite majority of production types investment outlays total in the years 2006–2008 were higher in Poland than in the Malopolska and Pogorze Regions. Only the E type farms (permanent crops) and H type (granivorous animals) in some years realized higher than the national average investment expenses. For most agricultural types the net values of investments determining the real development of farms also look disadvantageous. Both in the region and in the country farms of most production types realized investment expenses on a low level which did not even cover the depreciation costs. Therefore, in these entities an actual decapitalization of production assets took place. Net investments assumed positive values only in the entities specializing in bovine production (in the region it was F-type – dairy cows, whereas in Poland total F type – dairy cows and type – animals fed in grazing systems. Markedly lower economic results and indicators characterizing investment activity allow to conclude that at maintaining current tendencies, the disproportions in the commercial agriculture between the Malopolska and Pogorze, and the other regions in Poland will be deepening.
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