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Tworzenie ośrodków badawczo-rozwojowych w zakresie innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych oraz wpływ ich efektów na wzrost gospodarczy

  • Author: Benedykt Banach
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 270-281
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201020
  • PDF: ksm/14/ksm201020.pdf

This paper mainly aims at attempting to justify the need for creating research and development centres in all big, and – if possible – also in medium-size production enterprises; it also presents the influence of the attained economic effects by those centres on economic growth. All such research and development centres should directly cooperate, especially with universities of technology and economics, in conducting research and experiments, and developing and launching projects, and later on supporting them in their production and developmental stages. Research, technological and organisational undertakings are fundamental to the activity of such centres. In justified cases it is also appropriate to implement some technological and organisational undertakings in the production and postproduction processes in a given case. Those undertakings in specific parts of the production process and their operation also generate development and economic effects. It should be clearly stated that as a result of employing both outstanding researchers and highly qualified personnel there emerge real possibilities to develop projects of new technological centres which once having been operational become competitive in foreign markets. The accomplishment of most undertakings of that kind will directly affect the growth of gross domestic product and, broadly speaking, gross national product. One can assume in a model presentation that in highly favourable conditions when such centres at the same time employ outstanding researchers and other highly qualified employees, one development leads to another, of course at the assumption that no negative events and processes intervene. However, the reality is complicated and it generates both advantageous and disadvantageous economic effects. Nevertheless, during the economic development in which positive effects outnumber the negative ones we witness the growth of gross domestic and national product, at the assumption that the inflow of the balance of negative gross national product from foreign countries does not worsen dramatically.

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