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Wdrażanie powszechności nauczania w II Rzeczypospolitej w pierwszych latach istnienia szkół powszechnych

  • Author: Edmund Juśko
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 282-298
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201021
  • PDF: ksm/14/ksm201021.pdf

The state of implementation of universal compulsory education in Poland, in the early twenties was influenced by: the under-developed network of primary schools, a low level of their organization, law number of teachers, as well as difficult economic situation in the country. The number of schools grew very slowly, definitely too slow to fully achieve the aims of the Decree of the compulsory education. In the years 1918–1922 organizational bases of universal education were established, which survived largely unchanged till 1932. At the level of school organization changes occurred very slowly. Small progress was marked in the area of improving the organizational level of schools. But the rural areas it was still rather low. However, it should be noted that, despite the slow growth in the numer of children realizing the principle of universal education, still a large part of them did not benefit from schooling. This had an impact on children’s frequent involvement of the field work, lack of financial resources for clothing, shoes, school aids, often long distances from the school, the difficult weather conditions, especially low level of awareness among the rural population of their children’s need for education. Common causes of the low attendance in schools were: the parents’ poverty and ignorance, lack of sense of duty concerning both the parents and the children, defective system of reclaiming fines for school absence and children’s love for vagrancy. A large part of the children who had already been recorded, particularly in eastern provinces, partly in central and southern provinces, not always attended to school or left it for various reasons before to its completion. The level of universal education implementation had a significant decrease in the number of compulsory school age children in the school years 1921–1928. The teachers were trying to counteract the low turnout. The presence of students was systematically recorded in the class register book, and the problem of children who miss school was a frequent topic of meetings with their parents. Education authorities also began to place great emphasis on the presence of students at schools, offering various solutions including a penalty. Such a solution would have had little effect, however, since it would have involved the families of the poor and the unemployed. The decreasing numer of children in connection with a slow increase in the number of children attending school resulted in some improvement in the implementation of the compulsory education. The condition of compulsory schooling could only seemingly be optimistic. Since the school year 1927–1928 general education came in greater numbers of compulsory school age children as a result of the increased birth rate in the first postwar years. The increase in the number of compulsory school age children and the beginning of economic crisis negatively affected the situation in Polish education. Growing number of population for the state authorities and educational institutions should not have been surprising, because in June 1926 census of children was conducted. Increasingly small number of classrooms and teachers was marked. Serious reductions of financial expenditure on education were responsible for that state. As a result of these measures decreased prevalence of teaching occurred.

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