Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-4
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: ksm/31/ksm31toc.pdf
Judicial System of the European Union
A comprehensive analysis of the provisions of the Treaty on European Union, which define the basic values, objectives, obligations of Member States and the procedure for ensuring effective judicial protection in the EU legal order. It has been established that the implementation of core values is a common task of the EU institutions and national state bodies. It is substantiated that the rule of law in the EU is ensured by effective judicial protection of rights in the areas covered by EU law. Effective judicial protection is provided by national courts together with the Court of Justice in the manner of implementing the mechanism provided for in Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. It has been proven that the unity of purpose, common functions, equality of legal status and common standards of judicial organization and principles of administration of justice unite national courts and the Court of Justice into a single EU judicial system. It is proposed to define the concept of “EU judicial system”, namely, the EU judicial system is a set of EU judicial institutions, namely integration institutions (EU Court within the TEU) and national courts of the Member States (higher courts, constitutional bodies), principles of functioning provided by the EU legal order, which jointly perform the functions of judicial control and effective judicial protection in the European region, interact with each other and ensure the establishment of the rule of law in the EU. Judges of the EU judiciary have the same requirements for age, qualifications, independence and impartiality, which are the common organizational principles of the EU judiciary. All judges of the EU judiciary are obliged to adhere to the principles of proceedings set out in the Charter and the Convention. It is proved that the unity of purpose, common requirements for legal status, common standards and principles of justice established for judges of the Court of Justice and judges of national courts are signs of their belonging to a single EU judicial system.
Суд ЄС European mandate of judges national judiciary rule of law EU
The article analyzes the methods and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of e-governance and e-democracy used in the countries of the European Union and the United States in the context of their implementation in the activities of state authorities and local self-government in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the main activity of the executive power is the provision of services to citizens, therefore, the concept of the effectiveness of the activities of state authorities and local self-government is inextricably linked with the effectiveness of the provision of public services. It is proved that modern information and communication technologies are an important tool for improving the efficiency of the provision of public services, which should be able to be used correctly, because according to the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the provision of electronic public services by the executive power, it is possible to judge the effectiveness of its activities as a whole. It is noted that currently the effectiveness of e-government is evaluated in two ways: 1) assessment of the readiness of e-government and 2) assessment of the socio-economic effects of e-government. It is emphasized that for Ukraine today, one of the priority tasks in the implementation of administrative reform is the active use of the national system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of e-government, taking into account the methodological approaches proposed by the world community. This will allow quickly responding to problems and risks on the way to promoting reforms.
communication technologies accessibility of information electronic public services methods for assessing readiness for electronic public administration strategy for public administration reform
The current study validates the structural model of cause-effect relationship in light of organizational citizenship behaviour as a consequence and its determinants as causes, which ultimately generates a generalizable public service model for the countries that need substantial organizational transformation in public service delivery. The determinants of organizational citizenship behavior by taking a look into the social and personal factors that either drive an individual’s behavior drawing from the social circumstances at the moment of time, or personal motivation and inner characteristics that force an individual to act in favor or against good citizenship. To test the proposed research framework, post-community Azerbaijan’s ASAN Service is considered as the case. For the identification and validation of potential factors affecting organizational citizenship behaviour, the selected variables are employed as constructs of the conceptual framework, through which survey is designed and administered to collect data from the country citizens with regards of gauging the impact of the determinants. A quantitative methodological approach is selected, where data is collected through convenient sampling technique, while it is analysed using the structural equation modelling technique, with emphasis on AMOS v.24 software to test the structural model. The results of the hypothesized relations reveal that behavioural intention and organizational identification are strongly related to organizational citizenship behaviour, followed by distributive justice, public service motivation, selfconcept and goal clarity being secondary major determinants. However, procedural justice is not significant in predicting organizational citizenship behaviour, while subjective norm and task interdependence are weakly related to it.
organizational citizenship behaviour and its determinants structural equation modelling
Legal Instrument for Improvement Traffic Safety by Means of Inclusion Personal Electric Motor Vehicles in Ukrainian System of Motor Transport
It had analyzed essence of the work Ukraine’s (traffic) police concerning measures for traffic safety. It had considered conception of traffic safety and it has been found what specifically including the work police traffic safety within the framework of Ukrainian legislation. It had analyzed the foreign experience concerning traffic safety and it to be proved necessity of application best practices other countries for road safety in Ukraine. It had drawn attention on fact that the same idea (using foreign experience in traffic safety) must be applied when we teaching police cadets. It had made the conclusions and advices on the ground of data concerning traffic safety from sources: 1) foreign experience concerning organization and regulation of traffic control and safety; 2) statistic data in general from National Police of Ukraine in field of traffic control and safety; 3) statistic data in particular from Patrol Police in field of traffic control and safety. Apply practically these the conclusions and advices led us to increase road safety. It had pointed that the foreign experience concerning organization and regulation of traffic control and safety had to be analyzed and consolidated. Also we have to adapt foreign experience to Ukrainian’s actuals and integrate into acting system for road safety of Ukraine in future.
scooter with electric motor personal motor vehicles Traffic (road) safety
The global community has been overcoming the crisis of being in the city for almost a century. And we are trying to answer the problems of urban crises - how and why do they arise, which development path should the city take and is this step justified? The simplest way of overcoming the crisis by the city authorities is an irrational solution - to erase the past, and build a new one. In such cases, the historical layering of images of the city, which have a great cultural value, is not taken into account. The city government alone and the bunch of institutions interested exclusively in their own financial issues do not have the right to carry out any transformations of the urban image without the participation of the city society and persons competent in this matter. It is culturology, on the one hand, that makes it possible to implement a comprehensive understanding of transformations in the urban space, excluding the one-sided development of transformations from a technical and aesthetic point of view of urban planning. On the other hand, it allows awareness-raising activities among urban residents, teaching them a kind of literacy and critical thinking about the center of their existence. However, for this purpose there must be a certain strategy of work and social cohesion. So, having faced the problem of lack of convenient and at the same time comprehensive definition of the above-mentioned historical layering and the feasibility of transformations in the urban image, in this article I propose, in my opinion, mandatory and at the same time the main stage of work for institutions involved in urban planning. I have developed a model of systematization of concepts of the image of the city, which at this time have already formed a historical multi-layer of the city. This development demonstrated the ability to predict the “behavior” of urban transformations in the future, especially young cities, whose historical layers of images are still ahead, based on the calculation of adaptation maxima in the life of the concept of the city image.
image of the city urban culturology urban identity history of the city systematization structuring
In studying the game as a social phenomenon, it is often difficult to leave the sociological approach within the scope of scientific knowledge. This happens due to the multiparadigmality of sociology and, therefore, a range of oppositions in the definition of the game. The role of consciousness in the game, the relationship between the concepts of game and freedom, a whole series of scientific categories (language game, wordplay, political game), which were introduced in the conceptual and categorical framework of some scientific disciplines, pose a difficult task for sociologists to conceptualize and study the game phenomenon. In terms of the article, the author puts forward the category “game attribute” as an element of game interaction. It is suggested that an attribute of game interaction to be included, systematized and classified in such a category. This approach to the theoretical development of the game phenomenon allows researchers to set a wide variety of applied problems, stimulates the advancement of an interdisciplinary paradigm in the sociology of games, and potentially can contribute to its institutionalization.
Postmodern Human Rights postmodern analysis of categories game and play in sociology sociology of games game category game interaction game component
Many years of experience in trying to reform the representative authorities in Ukraine indicate that the lack of change means stagnation and prevents development. Change is an inevitable element of our lives, but it often causes fear in people. The ability to adapt to and enjoy change shapes our health, happiness and personal dignity much more than anything else. Each of us is given two options to choose from, influence others and as a result, manage change or is allow to other impact on us. It is for this reason that representative bodies in Ukraine need to be created conditions for the arrival of representatives of the new, ie professional public, management. It must be based on leadership, because it is not so much about younger people, but about new professionals who are able to adapt to change and function effectively in changing conditions and situations. At the same time, they must have a clear understanding of the axiom that the success of their activities lies in teamwork and continuous self-development and self-improvement. It is obvious that a modern representative of public authorities in general and local governments in particular must be a person who seeks to create a favorable leadership environment in order to unite all communities interested in addressing socially significant issues. And such a representative who understands that he will not succeed if he will thoughtlessly, automatically, copy someone’s style and thoughtlessly imitate anyone. The article analyzes the experience of forming a favorable leadership environment in the stand. The main tools of uniting people for solving socially significant issues in representative authorities are substantiated. The priority directions of formation of a favorable leadership environment in the stand are identified.
territory development professional training of officials decentralization united territorial community formation of a favorable leadership environment representative authorities public administration leadership
In the article an influence of sacred art on Ukrainian painting of the late twentieth century, as exemplified by works of NAFAA teachers, was studied. In the professional literature, an idea was established that Ukrainian art, including painting, in the late twentieth century is closely connected with popular art and folklore, sometimes it is also about the influences of fine arts of previous epochs. Herewith, the influence of sacred art on the formation of a new art is mentioned only cursorily or its significance is completely neutralized. The goal of the work was, first of all, to determine the influence of sacred art on the creation of Kyiv painters in the late twentieth century. To achieve the targeted goal the works of painters, who were representatives of different generations and different stylistic trends, were reviewed and formally analyzed. The pieces of art presented in the work give grounds to state that the influence of sacred art on the formation of Kyiv painting is significantly underestimated. Even a cursory overview of the works suggests that sacred art responded not only narratively. Artists examined and actively used icon-painting and composition building, turned to specific recognizable images and combined them with modern themes. In the study, a special attention is paid to M.A. Storozhenko, the founder of the Department of Sacred Painting, who was not only a prominent artist, but also a teacher, and he managed to educate a number of artists who continue the work of the mentor, teaching sacred painting to a new generation of artists.
Kyiv painting of the late twentieth century paintings of NAFAA teachers sacred in Kyiv painting of 1980-1990 influence of sacred art on the Ukrainian painting
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