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Rozwój województwa małopolskiego w latach 1999–2007 – analiza porównawcza

  • Author: Marek Reichel
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 65-88
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200904
  • PDF: ksm/13/ksm200904.pdf

Malopolska voivodeship is one of the most diverse regions in Poland with a view to level of economical development. It is on the 5 th place in the country, even though it has significant social and economical potential (7,2% of gross domestic product). Relatively strong position in economy of the country is the result of big participation in global production, which is being selled for industry and construction industry, activity in a field of the housing industry and low level of unemployment. However negative tendency is observed, for instance: traditional economy with very low level of competitiveness is dominating in many branches of industry in Malopolska voivodeship. This paper is an attempt to judge development of Malopolska voivodeship in dynamic order, in years 1999 – 2007. Comparative analysis has been carried out; development of Malopolska voivodeship was compared with other Polish regions. Accepted methodology of research needs to find the right synthetic development indicator in the scope of selected components, which are; demography, human recourses, labour market, industrial potential, agriculture, technical infrastructure, conditions of live, healthcare and social care, education and upbringing, present state of environment and it’s protection. From the point of view of the carried out research it seems very positive, that Polish regions noticed growth of development potential in the tested period. It is especially important to pay attention on Slaskie voivodeship potential (in years 1999 – 2006 this voivodeship had the highest synthetic development indicators) and Lodzkie voivodeship (the highest development potential in 2007). Development of Malopolskie voivodeship must be positively judged too. In the tested period this region had the highest development dynamics; thanks to this fact it was on the 7 th place in the ranking of all Polish voivodeships.

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