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Założenia oraz zakres realizacji programów nauczania w publicznych szkołach powszechnych na terenie Lubelszczyzny (1944–1948)

  • Author: Renata Mikitiuk
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • Pages: 89-102
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200905
  • PDF: ksm/13/ksm200905.pdf

Assumptions and a scope of an teaching programs’ implementation in public common schools in the Lublin area (1944–1948)

The implementation of new political and ideological rules to the government of postwar Poland also contributed to changes in the education system. Communists empowered their dominion by, alter alia, propagation of education and disposal of illiteracy. They realized that intelligent groups would approach unwillingly to the PKWN manifest ideology. To hold their power and create socialistic Poland they had to quickly and effectively change the awareness of the whole society. It was preferable to start from the youngest generation, from children at schools. That was why PKWN, and especially the Education Department, engaged all its forces to rebuild the education system. This objective was treated almost on an equal footing with the economic reconstruction. Teaching programs based on shallow Marxism and materialism were introduced into schools. The reality was shown in a spirit of classes’ fighting, history, especially the newest one, was interpreted along the Soviet perspective. The program assumptions ruling in public common schools and introduced by contemporary government were shown in the article. An effort was also made to describe their implementation level and barriers connected with them in the area of Scholastic District of Lublin.

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